I like it. It definitely looks pretty, but I don't know how I'd say it at first glance. My instinct would be a-LEH-na, but maybe they say it more like Alaina? Or even a-LEE-na? *clicks link* Okay, based on its origin it's probably said the way I thought (a-LEH-na) or possibly a-LAY-na. Which is good. a-LEE-na would have been dumb. :P
Never heard of it before, but vastly prefer it to Lena. The trouble is that there are so many similar names that are more familiar, and I foresee pronunciation issues.
I like it. I think it's simple and feminine.
It's ok. I'm not a big fan of it, simply because I have other names I love much better:) but I don't really have any bad name associations with it, or think its terrible. Just sort of blah:)