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I used to like it, in fact it was one of my favourite names when I was much younger and I was almost named Lucy myself, but I've gone off it. Loose-ee ick. Objectively it isn't a bad name. I know a few Lucy's and it works in real life. I think it sounds comical on anyone over the age of 10 but it isn't the most babyish name being used out there. It has a great history and a nice meaning.I much prefer Lucinda and would seriously consider using Lucinda for a daughter if I thought I could definitely avoid the nickname Lucy. Not likely.
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I've never liked it. It seems gawky and loud to me. And comic. I think the Peanuts character is the main influence there, as well as the show. I grew up with Peanuts and have never personally known a Lucy. If not for that, though, the sound would not appeal to me at all. Loosey.

This message was edited 11/4/2013, 12:30 PM

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I really like it. We just named one of our puppies Lucy. :) it fits her.
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I love Lucy! :)
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I LOVE Lucy! (And yes I love the classic tv show of the same name too!) Lucy has always been a fave name of mine. It's classic, spunky, ages well and is just really pretty imo. When we were pregnant with Jasper and before we found out we were expecting a boy, I suggested Lucy, but DH didn't fancy it. Thankfully DH grew to like the name and would now be happy to use it. One of DH's cousins has a DD named Rachel Lucy and I first I crossed Lucy off the list because it was used, but now I don't know. We don't see his cousin and her daughters more than once or twice a year, so it probably wouldn't matter if we did use it one day. Anyway, I'm rambling! So basically I love the name Lucy, love the "I Love Lucy" connection and the Lucy from Narnia connection, she was always my fave of the children.
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Apparently, its terribly popular in English countries, though not so here in the US and I'm not sure why. Maybe it just hasn't hit us yet. I love it. Unfortunately, my parents used it as a name for their dog who recently passed so I can't really use it.
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I love Lucy! Too bad dh doesn't agree. I like that it's classy and sassy both at the same time. The combos I've considered: Lucy Eleanor, Lucy Gwendolen and Lucy Marigold.
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Is a rather boring name to me. I am not a fan of Lucy.
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Boring, nicknamey, childish, in complete, ugly, a weird combination of sounds.
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Didn't think I'd be so much in the minority here, but I don't like it. It sounds kid-ish and goofy and clumsy to me. I like Lucia though.
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First thought: The Chronicles of Narnia! Those were my favourite books as a kid, and I still love them. This name has a very good association for me. I love it.
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I used to like it but now it's just Meh. It's everywhere. My sister's dog is Lucy. A lot of dogs are Lucy. It's on TV allllll the time. I'm just kind of tired of it and it's quite juvenile. Lucinda at least has a spark to it.
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I love Lucinda.
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I know a Lucinda. She absolutely hated her name. She went by Cindy and would get annoyed if you used her full name.
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I knew a Lucinda growing up, and she loved her name.
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Yes well personally I think Lucinda is better than Cindy, bleh. I just have found that since she didn't like her name, it made me not like it too for some reason
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Yes, my mother's hatred for her name, Zoe, influenced my feelings toward the name for a long time.Sometimes I wonder if people who say that they hate their names suffer from low self-esteem. Personally, my name is so tied up with my identity that I can neither love it nor hate it. I can't imagine hating my name, but I'm also not one of those people who say, "I love this name because it is mine that makes it great" (you see this in the comments section of the names).
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Me, too. It's just so smooth and dark. I see swirls of red and black and glitter. It's quite cool.
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I see midnight blue and silver. It really shimmers.
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Lots of dogs named Molly, too. Everyone must think they're being so original or something naming their dog Molly and they're being anything but. I don't really like Molly, but if I did, it would ruin it for me.
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Yes, Molly is very common, too. Any cutesy human name fits, it would seem. Lucy, Molly, Sally, Rosie, etc. I've noticed the Ava trend with human babies was mirrored with dogs, too.
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Maybe other people think like my mom. She loved the names Molly and Lucy but she didn't find them substantial for kids, so she used them on dogs. :)
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Yep, along with Maggie, Daisy, Maisie, Sophie, Phoebe, Daphne, Zoe and Chloe. I confess, my family (my sisters and I) have used most of these over the years. ;-)

This message was edited 11/3/2013, 4:45 PM

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I love it. It is my older sister's name so I have very warm associations with it. Works well on all ages.
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I love it. It immediately reminds me of Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
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I never saw the appeal. The sound alone, loosey, is ugly to me, and so many people name their pets Lucy, and now it's all yuppified and trendy and I just don't see why.
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I like it alright but as a full name I think it sounds immature and nickname-y.
I much prefer longer forms such as Lucia, Lucille and Luciana.
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I love it. It doesn't quite make my top ten because ... I am not sure. It's too likeable compared to my other names? I want something a little more challenging, I suppose. But I *LOVE* the combos Lucy Rebecca, Lucy Caroline, and Lucy Virginia.

This message was edited 11/3/2013, 8:23 AM

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A girl from my high school named her daughter Lucy Caroline
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Love Lucy Virginia. Lucy and Caroline are my 2 sisters, so Lucy Caroline makes me smile.
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Pretty, elegant name.
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I think Lucy is delightful.
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I love it, no pun intended. It's bright, it's fun, and it ages well. It really shines.
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