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Re: US BAs August/September
in reply to a message by Evey
From the girls I like Liliana Maria, Caitlin Marie, Naomi Simone, Willow Grace, Charlotte, Leah Elizabeth, Elise Marie, Diana, Rosalie Jade, Joanna Elizabeth, Eliana Grace, Abigail Grace, Ava Joy, Ava Marie, Mariana, Lucia Carolina Ann and Gabriella Pearl.From the boys I like Dylan Murphy, Elliot Michael, Julien Nicolas, Lee Francis, Alexander, Samuel Robert, Sebastian, Liam Matthew, Lucas William, Michael Adam, Paul Michael, John Lucas, Walter Jack, Michael Ray, Jacob Benjamin, Nathan Wyatt, Christopher Lee, Samuel Aaron, Evan Matthew, Jacob Charles, Lucas James, Grayson Robert, Andrew David, Seth Elliot, Mathew Liam, Aaron Michael and Liam James.I also like Jonathan Tyler and Andrew Brian.
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