Re: Pronunciation issues - Peyton, Colton, etc.
in reply to a message by Hola123
I live in the US, in the Northeast. I also barely pronounce the t in these names, but more with Petyon (like PAYT'n). With Colton, I do pronounce the t more, but only half the times I say it! haha Same with Bolton. I feel like if I was saying one of those names for hte first time, or reapeating back the name to make sure I got it right, for example, I'd pronounce it with a distinct t, but if I was just saying the name of a person I knew well, I'd probably lightly touch on the t, ala Colt'n/Bolt'n.
That said, I don't think that these names sound weird or wrong pronounced with a "light" t. I think that's pretty normal, actually. Most of the time people say things fast and mush sounds together.
I don't see it as a problem, really, unless you think that, in the area you live in, the names will sound strange/not how they're "supposed" to.
For example, because I live in New England, many people have a regional accent that chops off the endings and replaces them with an "a" sound. For example, Taylor sometimes becomes Tayluh. Hence, when people actually name their child Tayla, I think it's just Taylor being pronounced with an accent, and it's confusing.
That said, I don't think that these names sound weird or wrong pronounced with a "light" t. I think that's pretty normal, actually. Most of the time people say things fast and mush sounds together.
I don't see it as a problem, really, unless you think that, in the area you live in, the names will sound strange/not how they're "supposed" to.
For example, because I live in New England, many people have a regional accent that chops off the endings and replaces them with an "a" sound. For example, Taylor sometimes becomes Tayluh. Hence, when people actually name their child Tayla, I think it's just Taylor being pronounced with an accent, and it's confusing.