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Re: Katie Price BA
in reply to a message by Elena
I don't completely hate the name Jett. As far as trendy names go, it's okay. I know a couple of young boys named Jett (between the ages of 3 and 13) and it works in real life. I don't feel stupid saying it out loud.Harvey is nmsaa but again, it's fine.Junior and Princess Tiaami or however you spell it got the short end of the stick. I know a Princess in real life who goes exclusively by the nickname Prinnie. I thought that was her name until about five years after knowing her, I saw her driver's license and was like wtf. She hates it so much but I think Prinnie is kind of sweet. No more babyish than Bonnie or something and it has a bit of spunk. Maybe she can go by that one day. Katie Price is such a nothing celeb. I feel a bit sorry for her children. I think I read in the tabloids that Peter Andre has custody of the middle two and he either got custody or was trying to get custody of Harvey (not his kid), who is severely disabled? It seems like once he got out of the marriage, he's stayed out of the spotlight and focussed on his kids. Not sure if Katie has calmed down at all though...
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