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Re: USA BAs July/August
in reply to a message by Evey
I like:
Gabriella Noelle
Lydia Joann - would prefer Joan
Eloise Leah
Lucille Jean
Henry Oliver
Oliver Emil
Eli David
Alexander Leonidas
Cillian Jonah
Annika (Rae) and Axel Gunnar - Rae just sounds hickish to me, but otherwise it's a great set.
Other comments:
Kylynne Marie Joy - Ugh, so many Y's. This is barely even a trendiegh name, it's just a collection of sounds. Bradleigh Marie - when did Bradley become a girls name? I seem to be coming across it a lot. Brad is pretty much as manly as you can get, I don't get it. Dekoda Janet Satya - Not only appropriation but terrible spelled appropriation! Bella Bliss - sounds like a pony or a stripper. Rhebyl Mystery Marie - Is that Rebel? Wut. Also Mystery? Babies can't talk but they really aren't that much of a mystery. Raistlin Alexander - no comment, just a slow disappointed shake of the head. Mackin Sea - Mackin' like kissing? Sea is one of the stupidest word names I've heard in a while, Ocean at least sounds name-like. Callin Abel - On the telephone? Colin Abel would be so handsome.
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