I was thinking about the name Dawn, and began wondering about using times of day as names. WDYT of Evening?
It could work in a certain type of family, if everyone (especially the parents) seemed a little bit wacky, so that people wouldn't think an Evening would feel out of place in the family. It could always be shortened to Eve. :)
Beyond awful. Stick to Eve!
It's underbaked IMO. "Evening" is approximate, but literal, and evocative of nothing particularly exalted. Dawn is namey because a dawn symbolizes hope and illumination, but Evening has no such abstract goodness to it. "Lady of the evening" comes to mind. Otherwise it's just as you say - using a time of day as a name, sort of meaningless.
Dawn is namey because a dawn symbolizes hope and illumination, but Evening has no such abstract goodness to it.
Wonder why that is. yang-focsued culture?
Wonder why that is. yang-focsued culture?
Yanginess of naming itself, it seems likely to me.
Wait. Or maybe I'm just soaking in too much yangy culture myself... I can think of a lot of the right kind of associations or symbols for "evening" but none of them are things I think of as name-concepts. OK, Yes, it's the culture.
Wait. Or maybe I'm just soaking in too much yangy culture myself... I can think of a lot of the right kind of associations or symbols for "evening" but none of them are things I think of as name-concepts. OK, Yes, it's the culture.
This message was edited 8/8/2013, 4:19 PM
I really like Evening. I'm not sure if I would have the guts to use it. It kind of straddles the line between acceptable and GP. On one hand, it's a word name and not commonly used as a name, so that would put it in GP camp. But on the other hand, you can easily shorten it to a commonly-accepted name (Eve.)
Eve is fine, but Evening is overly fantasy-novel overdone to me.
Evening is so cute! :D
Morning (maybe I'm starting to think all of these words are pretty...)
Moment (I kind of like this)
Noona (the Korean word for older sister (as a boy would address an older girl) and is kind of cute)
Possibly you could work around "anytime" and make it Anntime (pronounced like "time" or like "team" or "tum"). Too much of a stretch?
Or you could go with days, themselves!
Lundi is Monday in French. Mardi is Tuesday in French. Samedi (Saturday) is cute, too!
There are so many interesting options regarding time of day, days, seasons, time in general, frequency, etc. You can get so creative!
Every (I love variations on the name Ever)
This was a lot of fun...I'm inspired!
Morning (maybe I'm starting to think all of these words are pretty...)
Moment (I kind of like this)
Noona (the Korean word for older sister (as a boy would address an older girl) and is kind of cute)
Possibly you could work around "anytime" and make it Anntime (pronounced like "time" or like "team" or "tum"). Too much of a stretch?
Or you could go with days, themselves!
Lundi is Monday in French. Mardi is Tuesday in French. Samedi (Saturday) is cute, too!
There are so many interesting options regarding time of day, days, seasons, time in general, frequency, etc. You can get so creative!
Every (I love variations on the name Ever)
This was a lot of fun...I'm inspired!
I've thought about Early and Morning as well.
Early would be cute on a girl, but then it's so similar to Earl that I don't know.
Morning is beautiful, but it also makes me think of "mourning," so that pretty much nixes it.
Early would be cute on a girl, but then it's so similar to Earl that I don't know.
Morning is beautiful, but it also makes me think of "mourning," so that pretty much nixes it.
Earlie was my grandpa's middle name. I often wonder where it came from-is it supposed to be a nickname for Earl, or was it a modification of early? Fascinating to think about, really.
I love Ev- names but Evening doesn't work for me. In fact, Dawn is the only 'time of day' name I can see working. You wouldn't name a child Twilight or Midday either...