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Re: UK BAs 2004
in reply to a message by Evey
Lara Eugenie de Pelet - oh ho ho! also very pretty.
Love Sabine and the sibset, even if it's very pretentious.
Isabelle Monica Fleur is a very nice combo!
Martha Helen Hawke is awesome.
Sophie Edna's cool.
Edith Caroline is very nice!
Alexandra Florence and Olivia Alice are very much my-taste in conservative naming. Isabella Mary too, kind of.
I'm certainly glad to see Hebe pop up now and then! What a fun name.
Allegra Lavinia Fleur is a very cool combo.Albert Francis Norman Sacheverell - wow, talk about pretentious, also awesome. Alice Edith is also great. So much better than what its american equivalent would inevitably be... something like Braydon Hamilton Gratian Boston
Milo Atticus is nice and barfy
Oscar John de Vere is nice
Other than that nothing grabs me. So out of these I'd go with probably Allegra and Albert.
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