Re: Virgil
in reply to a message by Soul
I like it and couldn't care less about the "virgin" teasing, myself. I think the name sounds really, really manly... it's heroic because of the Aeneid to me. (Epic poem of Rome written by Virgil / Vergilius)
Virgil was once quite popular, and the word "virgin" existed then too - it strikes me that kids didn't know the meaning yet until the bad teasing age had passed. Presumably that's different now, but I'm not sure I'd give a care.
There's NO connection between "virgin" and the name Virgil at all, and I have known that for as long as I've known that Virgil was a name. Same as I've known there's not any connection worth thinking about, between the name Virginia, the state of Virginia, and virginity.
And of course, what has virginity really got to do with sexual innuendo? Are we that susceptible to and disgusted by sex that the mere syllable "virg-" freaks us out? /rant
Luckily, perhaps, for my possible future offspring, there are other names I like more. But I'd consider using it.
- chazda

Virgil was once quite popular, and the word "virgin" existed then too - it strikes me that kids didn't know the meaning yet until the bad teasing age had passed. Presumably that's different now, but I'm not sure I'd give a care.
There's NO connection between "virgin" and the name Virgil at all, and I have known that for as long as I've known that Virgil was a name. Same as I've known there's not any connection worth thinking about, between the name Virginia, the state of Virginia, and virginity.
And of course, what has virginity really got to do with sexual innuendo? Are we that susceptible to and disgusted by sex that the mere syllable "virg-" freaks us out? /rant
Luckily, perhaps, for my possible future offspring, there are other names I like more. But I'd consider using it.
- chazda

I point out the association and think it's obvious that many people would have it. Some boys could carry it off. Others would be mocked endlessly by the potty-humor filled minds of the junior high classmates. I guess it depends on how confident one is in their gene pool, that their child would be the type to carry off a name tailor made for mocking jokes through their awkward years.
I myself am neither freaked out or disgusted by sex, but am not so confident in the general population. Unfortunately they would thing "virgin" much more frequently than "Aeneid."
I myself am neither freaked out or disgusted by sex, but am not so confident in the general population. Unfortunately they would thing "virgin" much more frequently than "Aeneid."
I used sexual innuendo broadly, mostly trying to be somewhat PC and not just say, "It looks like 'virgin,'" which seemed even more childish to me. Do I care about states of virginity or not and how it relates to a name? No. Am I an adament supporter of using a name regardless of the tease factor? Look up my posts on the subject, and you'll see that I am. I was trying to point out a fact that the posts after me confirmed: People associate the two words. I'm sure your rant was not directed at me, but since I think you misinterpreted my intention when I used that phrase, I just wanted to comment. I now return you to your regularly schedule posting. :)

This message was edited 2/19/2006, 12:09 PM