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Re: UK BAs 2008
in reply to a message by Evey
I like the following....Girls:
Annabel Rachel, Megan Sarah Lilly, Anna Margaret, Elodie Louisa, Alice Rose, Mathilde Evelyn, Matilda, Amelia Rose, Arabella, Isla Rose, Amelia Jane, Laura Gwendolen Freya, Annabel, Leah Josephine, Charlotte Elizabeth, Harriet Eliza, Arabella Victoria, Charlotte Anne Elisabeth, Nina Victoria, Charlotte Rebecca Louise, Hannah Francesca, Imogen, Annabel Rose, Katharine Marie, Eliza Beatrice, Isabel Sophia and Chloe Elizabeth Hermione.Boys:
Theodore William, Donncha James Patrick, Dylan George, Alexander Philip, Angus, Archer James, Robert Jack Lewis, Arthur James Frederick, Charles Peter, Frederick Charles Arthur, Robert Charles Brodie, Thomas James, Benjamin Peter David, Alexander, Thomas Edward James, Charles Thomas Sebastian, Benjamin James, William John Simon, Thomas Luke, Benjamin Rhys, William Charles, Matthew James, Alasdair Robert Joseph, Thomas Arthur, Oliver Andrew, Isaac Benjamin Victor, Maxwell Joseph, James Cameron, Finlay Thomas, William Arthur, Jack Samuel, Oscar James, William Angus John, Tobias James and George NicholasMultiples:
Matthew Gethin and Abigail Clare
Charles Richard and Robert AlexanderThere are quite a few combinations with multiple middle names I've noticed. Impressive.
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