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Too Twilight? What do you think?
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grotesque! no, seriously, not trolling - this is seriously, seriously gross. why would you do that to a person - an animal - a...thing?! argh.
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Because I can. :)
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I actually like it on a girl. I think it sounds more feminine than masculine. I didn't even know there was a Carlisle in Twilight (I've managed to stay away from all things Twilight), so for me it's not a problem.
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I really like it -- stuffy surnames are among my guilty pleasures.
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It's a huge GP of mine. I've never read or seen Twilight so only know about Edward, Jacob and Bella.
I've loved it since I discovered the Scottish actor Robert Carlyle and this is my preferred spelling.
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Twilight, but not too much.
That said, I'm a twilight nerd. Yeah, really. So I obviously think of Twilight when I see/hear Carlisle.
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Dang, is it Twilight? I'm part of a very small minority who knows not a thing about Twilight. But I think Carlisle is awesome. A smidge nerdy, but there's nothing wrong with nerdy.
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I think of the City of Carlisle before I think of Twilight. I'm pretty indifferent to it, I've never met anyone with this name though I would struggle to see it on a child.
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My thoughts exactly. The plus about it getting well known through Twilight is that more people are able to spell and pronounce it correctly.
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Way too Twilight and nms anyway. Funny story, when my quasi-little brother (my actual little brother's friend who is with my family more than his) was reading the Twilight books he always read that name as car-lizzle. When he told me that, I almost died laughing. Those books are so mopey and serious but if someone was named by Snoop Dogg, that would have been hilarious.
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I like Carlisle and would be pleased to meet a little boy with this name. I wasn't aware of the Twilight association, but I haven't read any of the books or seen any of the movies.
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