WDYT of Sequoia, strictly as a GP? It obviously has the nature vibe that seems to be in fashion now, and I like its strength. Boy or girl?
I love it, on a boy. I could even see it as a fn. :-)
I really like it. It works on either. On a boy it would probably be after the person (Sequoyah), and on a girl it would be after the tree. I'd be willing to use it on a girl IRL.
I've met a few Sequoias, most of them girls. I think it works better for a boy, though.
I've met a male and a female Sequoia. The woman was quite large (both in height and girth), very loud, extremely dramatic, and if karma exists she probably isn't have too great a time right now.
The male was very small, simpering, and rather pathetic. But that may have been circumstances.
Forgetting these namesakes, and the famous one of course, I think I like it. I can't ever decide. It sounds a bit squirrelly though.
The male was very small, simpering, and rather pathetic. But that may have been circumstances.
Forgetting these namesakes, and the famous one of course, I think I like it. I can't ever decide. It sounds a bit squirrelly though.
The original Sequoia was male. I don't see it as a good choice for a name for either sex today. Seems pretentious and "Look at me, look how in touch with nature and the primitive peoples I am!"
I definitely agree, so I would never use it IRL. I should have added that I like it (GP-wise) for a boy.