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This name keeps coming back into my thoughts. I quite like it, think it has almost a darkness to it, similar feel to Morgana.WDYT of Lorna? Any MN suggestions?
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It reminds me of "forlorn," and I think it feels sad. That's dark, for sure, but it's a different sort of darkness than in Morgana. I like the sound of Lorna, though. Lorna Beatrix
Lorna Eulalie
Lorna Vivien
Lorna Genevieve
Lorna Caroline
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I used to think of all Lornas as overweight old women, but then I met a young Lorna who was very nice. Unfortunately it still seems a bit dated to me, sorry.
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I don't know, it just sounds sad and lonely to me. Maybe because it reminds me of the word "forlorn."
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Once I knew someone whose mother was Loorna Maud, and the double-O isn't a typo! I prefer Laura, but Lorna is OK, nice and outdoorsy. Lorna Hilary? Lorna Jane? Lorna Bridget, or Birgit, or Brigitte? Lorna Caroline?
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It's a lovely name. My violin teacher of 10 years was named this and she was very smart and dark and birdlike, all of which are qualities that seem to me to be inherent in her name. I've considered using it.I think Lorna Jane sounds really nice, even though it's filler. Lorna Margaret is good. I think I'll just be suggesting super normal combos so I'll leave off.
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Morgana puts me in line of an evil gothy-type girl, more likely a fictional character than real. Lorna just sounds sad and dull, like a girl with a terrible skin problem and bad teeth, not a good student, nearly invisible to the other kids in school. The type who will graduate and then just disappear and nobody knows what happened to her till they read in the paper that she died of some preventable/treatable illness at 34 and she was living in her hometown all along.
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I like Lorna a lot. However, it's really close to Laura which is really popular and a bit boring. I think Lorna might just get confused for Laura all the time. Lorna Patrice
Lorna Michelle
Lorna Marianne
Lorna Phoebe
Lorna Caroline
Lorna Joanne
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