This name has been growing on me lately. I think it sounds pretty cool. What do you think of it?
The concept is nice and it's pretty in other languages. But I can't imagine yelling it in a supermarket without feeling like an idiot. :)
Yeah, you've got a point there. It is a bit silly when you start imagining it in real-life situations like that. If only I were a celebrity... *sigh* hahaha
If I were to use it in English I would first look up its different cultural meanings and see if it had some amazing symbolic meaning.
Lotus happens to be part of my name meaning.
Lotus happens to be part of my name meaning.
I don't like it. It makes me think of this restaurant that my family used to eat at called Red Lotus.
It's not really a name to me. If I was to consider it a name, I'd think of it as a joke name, the kind you might give an irritatin over-the -top crunchy hippie character in a funny story.
I think it does sound beautiful, but I doubt it would work on a real person. As mentioned, people may think of cars or locusts. "Lotus" is also another word for lesbian, I think (I'm bisexual myself, but there are always people who are prejudiced...).
I prefer Nalini, Padma or Padmini.
I prefer Nalini, Padma or Padmini.
This message was edited 4/27/2013, 12:35 PM
I think it's as bad as Mercedes and Bentley. Worse even 'cos it makes me think of locusts.
I like Mercedes and Bentley XD I promise I'm not a car-person, it's just a coincidence!
I like Mercedes and Bentley XD I promise I'm not a car-person, it's just a coincidence!
All I can think of are lotus births. Ick.
I don't know if I like the idea of lotus as a name. If it were more specific to a particular plant, I might. But if I suppose people take it to be specific to the "sacred lotus flower," maybe that doesn't matter and I can like the idea.
I don't like the look and sound of it. The -us ending is clunky to me because I'm so accustomed to Latin names where -us is masculine and -a is feminine. So it looks a little bit ... not mannish but it looks like the name of a body part, or something, something too fleshy. It's quite possible to overlook that problem that I have with it, if it's someone's name.
The fact that it's a car is a very small problem. (Have you seen a Lotus. Has genital enlargement illusion factor of 13/10 ... equivalent to -3. Blows right past sexy and lands back in nerd territory) Not really something that would bother me if it were someone's name, but it would make me hesitate to use it because I'd worry that others associated cars more strongly than flowers.
And finally, it's new-agey to the point of hippy-dippy. It's like Karma or Soleil, only more up to date and trendy. I don't have a problem with that, but I would get that impression from seeing it used, more than any other impression.
So, nms but not awful, certainly usable if you really like it and wouldn't mind that some people would think it was kinda goofy.
I don't like the look and sound of it. The -us ending is clunky to me because I'm so accustomed to Latin names where -us is masculine and -a is feminine. So it looks a little bit ... not mannish but it looks like the name of a body part, or something, something too fleshy. It's quite possible to overlook that problem that I have with it, if it's someone's name.
The fact that it's a car is a very small problem. (Have you seen a Lotus. Has genital enlargement illusion factor of 13/10 ... equivalent to -3. Blows right past sexy and lands back in nerd territory) Not really something that would bother me if it were someone's name, but it would make me hesitate to use it because I'd worry that others associated cars more strongly than flowers.
And finally, it's new-agey to the point of hippy-dippy. It's like Karma or Soleil, only more up to date and trendy. I don't have a problem with that, but I would get that impression from seeing it used, more than any other impression.
So, nms but not awful, certainly usable if you really like it and wouldn't mind that some people would think it was kinda goofy.
I don't entirely disagree with you about it seeming "clunky" which is probably why it's taken me so long to really start admiring it as a name despite being drawn to it. The car association doesn't bother me at all and since I'm not a car person, it's hard for me to imagine anyone putting the car before the flower but I guess that's very possible. You're totally right about it being new-age and hippie-ish lol, but again it doesn't bother me. I actually think that's adding to the appeal for me.
I never heard of the car Anneza mentioned before. I just don't like the sound of the word.
Fine, if you're a racing car. Otherwise not. (But then, I find Lexus amusing at best on humans. And Romeo as in Alfa.)