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If you had a twin...
...what would their name be? You can do one male and one female combo, if you wish.I'm thinking my female twin would be Gretchen Marie. My male twin would be Ryan Michael. That was going to be my name if I were a boy, so there ya go.
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I actually know this because my mother has told me.
If I had a twin sister, her name would have been Sydney Isabelle or Sydney Gabrielle (this does not go at all with my name: Lindsey Danielle. Is also doesn't go with what my mom wanted to name me: Jessica Brooke.)I had a twin brother his name would have been Clayton Paul. Both names honour family members and I hate them both quite a lot. Poor guy.
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Interesting question. Well, my mom said that if I had been a boy she probably would have named me Stephen. She likes that name. So if she had boy girl twins we'd be Tawnee Marie and Stephen Jeffrey (after my dad). Hey, it kinda rhymes. Haha. If I had a girl twin and I could choose her name I'd make it matchy. It'd have to be another color name. Hmmm...Tawnee Marie and Lavender Joyce. Joyce would be after my grandma on my mom's side. Marie is the name of my great-grandma so Joyce would fit in with that. Tawnee Marie and Stephen Jeffrey
Tawnee Marie and Lavender Joyce My grandma (mom's mom) picked out my first name, Tawnee, because it reminded her of the Native American tribes Pawnee and Shawnee. She was nearly full-blooded Cherokee herself, but I don't think she was very close to her heritage. Still, naming me a name that sounds similar but isn't actually the name of a tribe (which is a no no among Native Americans as it's seen as disrespectful) is still pretty meaningful to me, even though I'm sure a lot of people think my name is trashy or an awful misspelling of the color tawny, which wasn't what my grandma and mom were going for at all anyway. They probably didn't even know about the color. lol.
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Going by what my parents were throwing around before I was born, my twin would have been either:
Cameron Mitchell / Garrett Mitchell (they were still debating the male first name)
Victoria Lyn*(My mom's reasoning for the Lyn spelling was that Victoria was already a long name, so Lyn didn't need "an extra 'n'". Her middle name is actually Lynne, but she has a short first name.)

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 10:12 PM

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Emma May & Rebecca Lillie (I think this is likely if I had a twin sister. I was almost named Rebecca and I have an ancestor named Lillie--my mom's a genealogist so she likes using family/ancestor names as middle names.)
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My parents probably would have chosen Ryan Patrick for a boy and something like Kelly Jean for a girl.
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I genuinely have no idea what my parents would have chosen, so I nymblered it and here are some cool/odd/weird/whatever results:Artemisia and Apollonia. (awesome... I would love a twin named Apollonia)
Artemisia and Athanasia.
Artemisia and Anastasia.
Artemisia and Araminta.
Artemisia and Evanthia.
Artemisia and Damiana.
Artemisia and Acacia.
Artemisia and Seraphina.
Artemisia and Annabella.
Artemisia and Persephone.
Artemisia and Leocadia.
Artemisia and Amina.
Artemisia and Aquila.
Artemisia and Aurora.
Artemisia and Rowena.
Artemisia and Liviana.
Artemisia and Ambrosia.
Artemisia and Melisande.
Artemisia and Andromeda.
Artemisia and Azalea.
Artemisia and Sotiria.
Artemisia and Eugenia.Artemisia and Theophilus.

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Dammit, logging in again.I can't edit, but I was gonna say:Most likely of the nymblered results: Andromeda or Anastasia if my mum chose. They begin with 'A', which is the kinda thing she'd have done, and have a similar vibe. Possibly Persephone. If my dad chose, probably Aurora or... actually, probably something like Alexandra/Aleksandra even if it isn't on the list. Or Annabella (Annabelle) or Aurora. Same 'A' theme. My folks are just that corny at times.From the above for boys, I reckon my mum'd have gotten a kick out of Artemisia and Aristotle. Dad would go for Alexander or William. I dunno why there's such a Greek theme, but that's probably just cos I'm going from the nymbler list. Realistically, I doubt something like Andromeda would occur to them without good reason, but like I said, I'm just hypothesising for fun, so I have no clue...

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 12:31 PM

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Super jealous of your name. That's a really good idea! My first nymbler results for Emma are...
Elkehah. If I could rename myself from these I'd pick from Elsa, Elvira, Alberta, Olivia, and Clara. And the boys, Otto, Roland, Emery, Emil, Kurt.Elsa Elvira is an awesome combo, isn't it? so is Elvira Elsa. Roland Otto is definitely my combo of choice for boys.
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jumping on this bandwagon!For girls, Nymbler gave me these:Michelle
And for boys: Jeremy
JulesI could see my mom picking Kurtis, maybe Alexander. And Cassandra from the girls, or Alexandra. If I got to pick, I'd go for Kristoffer Jack for a boy! That's so fun. And none of the girls are really speaking to me... maybe Elyse Alexandra. Tsk, the names you got are so much more fun than mine! I would name you Elke Marlena.
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I'll name these twins as my parents would have. My male twin would be Roderick Kenneth, as that's the name of the child born after me;he lived only a week. My female twin would be Yvonne Freda.Yvonne is the name my parents considered for me, after my mother's childhood friend. And Freda is my mother's name.
Freda Yvonne has a better flow,but then there would be 2 Fredas in the household, too confusing.
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It would have been Kate Lynn (fn, mn) or Elissa Helen. I'm guessing on Helen as the middle name here, as it was my great grandmother's name, though she went by her middle name (Rose). Rose is already my older cousin's middle name, so I don't think it would have been used.
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If I had a female twin, she would probably be named Allison or Amy, because I know those were two names rejected in favor for Chelsea. Actually now that I think of it, if I came from a set of twins I would probably be Allison and my twin would be Amy (or vice versa). As for middle names, it would most likely be a filler such as Elizabeth, Marie, etc.If I had a male twin it would either be Tyler Lloyd (the name of my younger brother) or Chad Lloyd (a name rejected for my younger brother but it would fit the alliterative twin theme.)
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Well I bet if I had a male twin he would have been Christopher. Not sure about middle name... maybe Christopher Ward, using my mom's maiden name? Or maybe some random popular name in the middle like Christopher Michael. But then I wouldn't have been given the name Kristina (hopefully). I bet we would have been Christopher and Clarissa or something. Or! Maybe she would have picked Carlisle and Kristina. She loved the name Carlisle but my dad wouldn't have it. If my twin was a girl... Kristina and Clarissa? Kristina and Trista? I'm trying to think of the backup names my mom had picked. I bet the twin would have been given a filler middle as I was. Kristina Nicole and Clarissa Lynn or something.
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I think my sister's name goes well with mine if noth a little matchy, she has two middle names and I only have one so I'll take off the one that doesn't go as well and my tein would be Ellie Margaret.
A boy is much harder, they were toying with Darren for a boy but I'm not sure how Millie and Darren sound as twins. Maybe: Millie and Damian Keith (my dad's name) :)
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A twin for Alexandra would be Victor Ross, and if it were a female it would be Danielle
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My male twin would be Eric George because that would be my name if I were a boy.
My female twin would probably be Melanie Rose because my dad liked that I think.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 9:27 AM

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No frickin' clue. I would have been named Giovanni had I been a boy. So maybe that's what a male twin would have been named? Not sure about a female twin, since my parents became set on my name pretty early on so I'm not sure of possible alternatives they could have used for a twin.
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My male twin probably would have been Liam Anthony because that's what I would have been if I were a boy. A female twin probably would have changed my name too and we would have ended up Charlotte Rita and Delilah Marie. Or my mother would have gotten her way and one of us would have been Calla Lily.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 8:58 AM

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If my parents had another daughter, my mom wanted to name her Callie so we would be Callie and Cammie. Ew. My middle name honors my maternal grandmother, so my twin would probably be Callie Margaret after my paternal grandmother. My male twin would probably be Scott or Brett William. The first names are just names that my parents like, and William is after my dad. Thank goodness I'm an only child!
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My male twin would have been Jason Peter, the name they later gave to my brother. I'm not sure what my female twin would have been named. Tamara, maybe, since it was a name they seriously considered while expecting me, or Sandra, which is what my brother would have been named had he been a girl. I bet the middle name would have been Nicole or Danielle.
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I want to say Dylan. I know my father wanted the name for me, and it is complementary.
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Excluding the names of my sisters and what I would have been named as a boy...I think Laura is a realistic choice. Middle name would be family, but there aren't too many family names that flow well at all, or aren't already used by the rest of us. Hm, let's see... Laura Adele, maybe?and for boys... Robert Conrad would be cool.
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Based on the names that my parents considered and my own name, my twin sister would Sara Catherine and my male twin would be Benjamin Zachary. I imagine that my parents probably would have used my brother's first or middle name (Matthew or John) for my male twin, but I'm choosing the twin names as though my younger brother still came along after us and was given the same name. Otherwise, I'd name my male twin Benjamin John.
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Very hard to say, as if I was a twin I wouldn't get to choose its name. I know my mother considered Katrina as a name for me so maybe a twin would have got that one. No idea on a brother's name, because I don't know what she was considering as a name if I'd been a boy.
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I guess if I had a boy twin he would be named the name I was going to be if I was a boy which is Adam Roy. Roy after my dad. For a girl it would probably be one of the other names my parents considered for me, Rachel Lynn or Jamie Lynn.
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ProbablyAlexander Robert
Alexandra Laura...or something like that
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Well, I was always Danielle Nicole, they ha no other girls names in mind. My younger sister is Morgan Elizabeth so maybe that would have been a girl twin? I know they also considered the name Rachel and also Augusta for a mn after my mother's grandmother. So Rachel Elizabeth, Rachel Augusta, and Morgan Augusta are other possibilities. As for a boy, my brother is Matthew James. They also considered Joshua and Andrew, so any of those with James (grandfather's name).
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If I had a male twin, his name would probably be Fredrik. One of the middle names might be Joakim, but I have no idea about the other one. Fredrik and Joakim were the two names my parents tossed around if I had been a boy. A girl..well..No idea there. So I'm going to say Isabella. My parents might have liked that one.
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For a twin who was male he would have been either Brendan or Brandon, both of which I really like. For a mn they either would have used Dean, Moody, Robert, John, or Tatum.For a female twin probably Nicole Louise or Gabriella Louise. My younger sister is named Nicole Louise but they almost named her Gabriella Louise. So if my twin was Nicole Louise and they decided to have more children, so I'd still have a younger sister, maybe they would have used Gabriella. I really don't know what they would have used as a mn, but unused female family names would have been Marian, Monica, Jean, Angle, Elizabeth, Ella, Maude, and Maria.They never would have used Ella as a mn with Gabriella as the first but they could have used it as a nn for Gabriella since they hated the nn Gabby. That is actually why they didn't use Gabriella because they were worried that if they had a daughter named Gabriella she'd get called Gabby, but I feel that Ella, Ellie, and Elle all work just as well as nn's. Oddly one of our younger cousins ended up getting named Gabrielle nn Gabi, so I've always wondered if my aunt and uncle would have chosen a different name if my sister had been named Gabriella, I feel that they would have but you never know.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 3:56 AM

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Something else interesting is that my parents didn't think of the fact that Gabriella could easily have other nn's than Gabby. I only recently thought of that and far before I thought of it my sister has loved the nn's Ellie and Elle. That is part of why she really wants to have a daughter named Elliott someday because she wants to call her Elle and Ellie. I just think it's odd because she almost was Gabriella nn Ella, Ellie, and Elle. Knowing me I would have called her by all of those nn's and more. I probably would have called her Elegant, Elegance, Elephant, Elf, Elfy, etc... Now that I think about it her nn my parents and my uncle John called her when she was really young was Elfen Magic or maybe Elven Magic but I swear it was Elfen Magic. She had this nn because she had big ears that looked kind of elf shaped when you looked at her straight on but not in profile. Her ears don't look that way anymore because she grew into them but my uncle Fred still has ears that look elven when you look at him from the front.
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Going on my parents' naming styleMatthew for a boy twin. Because this was what I was going to be named if I were a boy. They didn't use it on my brother (Joshua) because by the time he came along someone had already named their kid this.Lauren for a girl twin. My parents almost named my brother this. They got over it before they named my sister.Emily & Matthew and Emily & Lauren are both pretty boring.If I had to pair up Emily, I'd have either Emily & Lucy or Emily & Walter.
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My name is Erika Kay.If my parents were doing the naming (well, my best guess):Kelly Jocelyn or Adam Robert (my brother's name; it also would've been my name if I'd been a boy)If I were put in charge of naming (and still tried to pander to my parents' sensibilities, kind of):Britta Jane or Elliot Robin
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Perhaps Elizabeth Cassandra or Pericles Charles. My father would have insisted that the boy be named after him, according to Greek tradition. Meanwhile, since I already have his mother's name (the Greek tradition for the first born daughter), he might have chosen to name the other daughter after his beloved departed sister, Elizabeth. Cassandra is the name my mum wanted to give to me, and Charles is her father's middle name. Actually, I have a pair of cousins from the paternal side who are twins. One has my name, the other is Elizabeth.
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Odd how if you had a twin you guys probably would have been Dita and Elizabeth, and you actually have twin cousins with those names. Strange coincidence...

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 4:15 AM

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I should have mentioned, my name is Aphrodite. :) I don't know why I beat around the bush.
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Lets go Mary Karenza & Ruben Jakob
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Rachel Jerusha or Timothy Andrew - two of my Mom's choices
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Nice names. Jerusha is so rich with Rachel.
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I always wonder what my mom would have named her kids if she wasn't so concerned with how people viewed them. She originally wanted to name my brother Joshua, but was told that it was "too old fashioned" and "an old man name." (This was in 1972.) She went with Christopher instead. I know that she had serious issues naming me Haven, she had planned on naming me Elizabeth Haven first. However my uncle used the name Elizabeth first and she loved Haven too much not to use it. She talks about how she wishes that she had more faith in herself when she named her kids.
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Not sure why but Regan was the first name to pop into my head, for a girl. Maybe Regan Mary. I was supposed to be named Cody Austin if I were a boy, but man, that's terrible... how about Brandt Keegan instead. I think my 'rents dug surnames
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In high school I became friends with a kid named Cody who had just moved there from Austin Texas. Austin and Cody suit each other very well as brothers, a little too surnamey in a single combo.
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This is an interesting thing to think about. I assume, since I'm named Caroline, and my sisters are Elizabeth and Genevieve, that my twin would have been given a traditional name, too. I always say that if I weren't a Caroline I'd be a Katherine, but they're too close for twins.My mom probably would have picked Olivia, as that was the other major name for me. Or Emma. A boy would have been named James Edwin after my dad, no doubt. If I could name my twin, I'd call her Isabelle or Annie. If I had a boy twin, I'd call him Peter.
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I asked my mom and dad, and they gave me two different answers. My mom is much more American than my dad is (they both have citizenship, but dad spent most of his life in Brazil and Europe). My mom generally calls my brothers and I Americanized approximations of our names, so she said twins would be Caitlin and Bridget. Whereas my dad said a twin for me, Catalina, might have been Federica or Vicente.
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