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Re: Thoughts on Azure
in reply to a message by Malk
I haven't posted the last few days, and not sure this will be of any help to you, but here goes...I enjoy the imagery of Azure, as I picture "azure skies", with white clouds, so Calla and Azure together strike me as two nature names and azure skies above a field of white lilies feels entirely complementary.Azure itself does feel a little awkward for me to say, being honest, and never has struck me particularly as something to call a person, though I do think it unexpected and refreshing as a middle name. Doubt people here in the U.S. would pronounce it the way you do, but perhaps where you are they would. If they do make it three syllables in Finland, I think it actually sounds prettier and more like a name.I'm not good with two middle names but I do like Lumi and, of your options, I would go with Azure Lumi Maeve. The closeness of the "m"s bugs me a bit but, mentally, I've already got clearing snow clouds over snowy ground and to add Alba feels too "bright white" and to add Thistle feels too nature-y. Also, Maeve varies the rhythm, assuming you don't end up saying "ah-zur-eh".(ETA): I happen to love Maeve (and would put it in front of Lumi, to be honest), but, thinking of Azure Lumi's scene, I'm wanting to add "quiet" and you did say "exotic" so...Azure Lumi Quiterie came to mind.

This message was edited 2/22/2013, 12:50 PM

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