A friend of mine was saying her cousin was expecting a little girl and that Ainsley was one of the names she liked.
Personally I don't like it at all although it is better on a girl than a boy, and when I hear the name the only person I can think of is Ainsley Harriot. (most people in the UK will know who he is).
A friend of mine was saying her cousin was expecting a little girl and that Ainsley was one of the names she liked.
Personally I don't like it at all although it is better on a girl than a boy, and when I hear the name the only person I can think of is Ainsley Harriot. (most people in the UK will know who he is).
This message was edited 2/11/2006, 3:05 PM
I know a boy called Ainsley (he spells it Aynsley)
A part of me really enjoys Ainsley, but the other part thinks the name reminds me of anus.
As for Ainsley Harriot, us in North America know him a bit. He had a very short lived cooking & conversation talk show a few years back.
"The newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three". Dr.Grantly Dick-Read
A part of me really enjoys Ainsley, but the other part thinks the name reminds me of anus.
As for Ainsley Harriot, us in North America know him a bit. He had a very short lived cooking & conversation talk show a few years back.
"The newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three". Dr.Grantly Dick-Read
In the US, Ainsley is 100% girl, I would NEVER use it for a boy.
I know a couple in the US who named their son, Ainsley (he's about 10 now). I personally liked the name until I saw how hard of a time this poor boy named Ainsley was having- now I think it's an incredibly cruel name to give a boy growing up right now, because people automatically assume it's a girl's name and try to pronounce it like Ashley, his parents have to explain to every new teacher about his name and how it is actually a male name. Some boys might be able to pull off an effeminate name, but not this kid. And because of association with Ainsley Harriot the name becomes even less masculine.
I know a couple in the US who named their son, Ainsley (he's about 10 now). I personally liked the name until I saw how hard of a time this poor boy named Ainsley was having- now I think it's an incredibly cruel name to give a boy growing up right now, because people automatically assume it's a girl's name and try to pronounce it like Ashley, his parents have to explain to every new teacher about his name and how it is actually a male name. Some boys might be able to pull off an effeminate name, but not this kid. And because of association with Ainsley Harriot the name becomes even less masculine.
Ainsley is all boy
It's too surname-y for me, plus it's kind of hard to wrap my mouth around when saying it. I have to say nay. :(

I love the name Ainsley, it's one of my "guilty pleasure" names. It isn't popular with too many people I know though :-)
"Bob Loblaw's law blog."- Say that 5 times fast
"Bob Loblaw's law blog."- Say that 5 times fast
The sound is pretty, but it makes me think of porcelain / china. Isn't there an Ainsley Company? That puts me off the name. That, and the fact that it is a surname.
I go back and forth over this name, I really like it for a girl sometimes especially as my late grandmother had a dear friend with this name and she also love Scottish names as you can see by her children: Colin (my father), Bonnie Jean & Kenneth. But then I when I watch one of the 'Pink Panther' movies there's a cross-dresser named Ainsley Jarvis and it just makes me cringe! So I can't make up my mind, I don't think I'd ever use it but it's nice to think about. I prefer the spelling Ainslie or maybe Ainsleigh for a girl, I also like Annesley / Ansley quite a bit but they are all rather close to Ashely for me to ever use! :(

"That tongue of yours is hinged in the middle, sister!"

"That tongue of yours is hinged in the middle, sister!"
hm, I'm not familiar with British cooking shoes and I've only ever met female Ainsleys... but I'm American : it's a nice name though. I like it.
What don't you like about it?
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
What don't you like about it?
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble