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Re: Alice
I love it. I think it's beautiful for many reasons. I do associate it with Alice in Wonderland, but I think that's a wonderful connection. The Alice stories are very well-loved in my family. My grandparents started a children's theater group in my hometown in the 70's and two of their first plays were Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. They revived the group in the 90's with those two plays. When I was 17, I played Alice in the ballet Alice in Wonderland and it has been one of my most cherished experiences. I kept thinking what a cool name Alice was throughout the performance, and all of the research that I put into the character was fascinating. At the time, I met an Alice who was 14 or 15 and I thought she was lucky to have such a classic, elegant name.To start with, I love that Alice starts with an "A". I like many others names that don't start with "A", but I think that "A" adds a certain power to a word, while also giving it a softer sound. I think it sounds strong, sophisticated, and highly intelligent without sounding harsh; instead, it's soft and pretty. It's also ladylike without being at all frilly. While Alice really only reminds of me Wonderland and Alice Liddell, I do get the Brady Bunch thing. That doesn't bother me though, because Alice was a sweet, motherly character. She was kind of weird and goofy, but she was lovable.I know it's jumping in popularity, but I think there are many more names that will beat it on a popularity list, at least in the US. The only downside I can see is that other people associate it with Twilight, which I loathe. I'm originally from Port Angeles, where Twilight partially takes place, and people around think they're very clever because they've used the name Bella for their daughters. They like to call their names out loudly in stores and look around to see if any tourists have noticed. However, they could all do much worse. The characters in Twilight do have some nice names.
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