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Saw this surname in show credits last night and it got me thinking about it as a FN. I know I know, a lot of you are probably thinking "Andy Griffith Show" but I also like the idea of a contracted version - Maybry? Are either usable? I'd put emphasis on the "May" part (as opposed to equal emphasis across "may" and "berry") so that is did actually come out sounding like Maybry. Thoughts?
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I was immediately reminded of this
"The phrase derisively invokes infamous Machiavellian-style power politics coupled with a supposed sense of incompetent regional backwardness, as exemplified by a fictional rural town in the television shows Mayberry, R.F.D. , and The Andy Griffith Show"So it makes me think of that. Not a good associationAnyway I think Maybree would be how I'd spell it, to keep it from being surnamey; and I think it sounds a whole lot too much like "maybe" ... I'm not liking it.
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Isn't Mabry a last name? I'm pretty sure I've seen it spelled like that. It sounds like it could be a trendy name.
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Mayberry with equal emphasis on May and Berry seems a little silly to me. Maybry sounds kind of cool though. The two Ys still look a bit odd to me though. I might prefer Maybree, as odd as that is. ALthough that doesn't look awesome either. Hmm. Maebry? Maybrie? Ooo, Maybri? I don't know. In any case, worth thinking on or a while.
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Sorry, just can't get enthusiastic about any name containing berry in it and I was never a huge fan of May/ Mae so that doesn't help it's cause, imo.
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I think the surname Mabry is pronounced the same way, and looks less awkward.
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I recently saw a little girl on a tv show who spelled it Maybree. Maybrie and Maybrey could be other spellings. I think I prefer Mayberry though.
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If you're going to use it, use the full version. Maybry looks and sounds weird to me.
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