BAs from UK
Cecilia Catherine Ida (Harriet and Charles), sister Matilda
Charlotte Anne Louise (Liz and Philip)
Charlotte Grace (Victoria & Ben), sister Sophie
Charlotte Katherine Rose (Elizabeth and Nathan)
Charlotte Victoria (Lisa and Nicholas) –born in Australia
Chiara Charlotte (Alice and Anthony)
Chloe Violet (Alexa and Henry)
Clara Jane (Sara and Kit)
Clementine Grace (Scarlett and Alexander)
Clementine Lucy de Courcy (Lucy & Christopher), siblings William and Eliza
Clodagh Rosemarie Willa (Nicole and Hugh), sister Luella
Constance Apple (Poppy and Alexander)
Constance Louise Mair (Lisa-Kate and Andrew), brother Zachary
Cressida Helena Christine (Katie and Tom), siblings Hector and Flora
Cressida Iolanthe (Georgia and Felix), sister Genevieve
Cressida Lucy Florence (Sophia and Alexander)
Cecilia Catherine Ida (Harriet and Charles), sister Matilda
Charlotte Anne Louise (Liz and Philip)
Charlotte Grace (Victoria & Ben), sister Sophie
Charlotte Katherine Rose (Elizabeth and Nathan)
Charlotte Victoria (Lisa and Nicholas) –born in Australia
Chiara Charlotte (Alice and Anthony)
Chloe Violet (Alexa and Henry)
Clara Jane (Sara and Kit)
Clementine Grace (Scarlett and Alexander)
Clementine Lucy de Courcy (Lucy & Christopher), siblings William and Eliza
Clodagh Rosemarie Willa (Nicole and Hugh), sister Luella
Constance Apple (Poppy and Alexander)
Constance Louise Mair (Lisa-Kate and Andrew), brother Zachary
Cressida Helena Christine (Katie and Tom), siblings Hector and Flora
Cressida Iolanthe (Georgia and Felix), sister Genevieve
Cressida Lucy Florence (Sophia and Alexander)
I don't like Charlotte, Chiara, Clementine, Constance, or Cressida... and double-middlenames are frightfully difficult to pull successfully.
In most situations they accomplish nothing more than looking ridiculous and pretentiously ornate.
They are all increasingly predictably British (which isn't a problem, mind).
I merely wish that there would be parents who would break from the crowd.
- Francesca