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Re: Swedish BAs (with middle names)
in reply to a message by Malin
Hmm, interesting with names from my own home country.
Some comments:Eva Tindra - blah, Tindra is so sickly sweet. Sounds like a pink little fairy
Eyra Alicia Isabella - I prefer the spelling Eira
Gry Lilly - Gry is sweet, but there are too many Y in the name
Idun Tigerlilja - love Idun. Tigerlilja is silly
Molly Ella Ellinor - LL, LL, LL. Not good.
Othilia Katarina - very good
Signe Lilian Ella - Signe is cute!
Alfred Nils Bertil - old fashioned, good!
Carl Oskar - ha ha, I wonder if he has a sister Kristina? :)
Evert Johan Kristian - I hope Evert is not what they will call him...
Kasper Lukas Rex - Rex!? It's a dog's name!
Oscar Klas Amandus - hah, Amandus. I wonder if it's a family name
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