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Middle Names for Ursula
Do you think any of these Ursula combinations work? Any comments/suggestions?Ursula Amy
Ursula Bronwen
Ursula Florence
Ursula Georgine
Ursula Gretchen
Ursula Hazel
Ursula Janet
Ursula Mair "MIER"
Ursula Marianne
Ursula Maude
Ursula Thisbe
Ursula Winifred
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Of your suggestions, I best like Ursula Carys, Ursula Gwen and Ursula Garnet. Thank you. :)
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Thanks. :)
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Alright alright...I sometimes avoid "you Ursula people", but I'll try to take Ursula seriously here for a few minutes. :)
Ursula Amy is an intriguing combination.
Ursula Florence is neat too, because Ursula sounds so mean (sorry, Little Mermaid generation) and Florence so nice and kind. I particularly dislike Ursula Gretchen.
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Hehe......I did this little Ursula pairing exercise to help myself get away from the "Little Mermaid" image of Ursula, to see if I could come up with combinations I couldn't deny liking. I was definitely trying to "friendly" her up, so I'm glad you got that vibe. I'm tyring to keep in mind that Ursula was a saint from the 4th century, long before she was a murky villain-ness. Thank you for your comments! :)
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Thank you for your suggestions. I best like Danica, Luna, and Zora. How is Viera pronounced?
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Viera pronounce like "vye-ra" (as in Russian).
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Ooh, Mahulena is intriguing. Thanks for that one. It's going on my long list right now. Ursula Zlata, "golden bear" is darling. :-)
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Loving:Ursula Bronwen
Ursula Georgine
Ursula Gretchen
Ursula Hazel
Ursula Janet (nice twist on Jane Ursula)
Ursula Marianne
Ursula Maude / Mathilde
Ursula Thisbe (why isn't Thisbe in the database?)
Ursula WinifredIf I had to pick a winner out of that group it would go to Ursula Maude, with Ursula Winifred closely behind.Sorry for any repeats:Ursula Valkyrie (my GP combo)
Ursula Capucine (hat tip to Wordsmith)(one can never have too many "u"s in a combo)
Ursula Dagmar
Ursula Clothilde
Ursula Phoebe / Belphoebe
Ursula Eugenie
Ursula Hortense
Ursula Ghislaine
Ursula Rosamund
Ursula Niobe ("NIE-uh-bee")
Ursula Helen
Ursula Euphemia / Eufemia

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This message was edited 9/5/2012, 9:24 AM

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Hehe...I'm getting warmer.I did this little exercise of pairing Ursula to try to get rid of the murky Disney image and see if I could make combinations that made me enjoy Ursula. It's definitely helping. I don't see myself choosing her as a favorite, but she's moving into the "like" category rather than "respect but don't really care for". In part, I blame you. Thank you. :)Don't know why I didn't write down Ursula Mathilde; I love Mathilde. Oh, I did. I just skipped over her when I made my Ursula polls (went better than I expected, actually), and then took the poll names for the post here on the board. Good. Mathilde, check. Some comments on your list of dandies...Ursula Valkyrie - I would not mess with her! :)
Ursula Rosamund - love the feel of this
Ursula Helen - lovely
Ursula Glynis - very sparkly; I considered and thought maybe too much "s", but now re-considering
Ursula Margaret - "pearl" gets me placing Ursula in the sea again, but I like it anyway
Ursula Blythe - "Victorian" vibe
Ursula Verity - even more so
Ursula Guinevere / Gaenor - ooh, "Medieval" / more so!
Ursula Meadow - would not have thought these two could suit
Ursula Barabal - not familiar with Barabal, but I do recall seeing Barbary quite a lot in census records while researching my ancestors and that's what came to mind

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All of your combos flow well, so I think they all work.Ursula Amy, Ursula Thisbe, Ursula Florence, and Ursula Marianne are my favorites. The softness of Amy really balances out the combo. For the most part, I prefer softer names with Ursula. Although I'm drawn to Bronwen, I think that Ursula Bronwen sounds too harsh. Ursula and Gretchen go together well, but Ursula Gretchen is much too harsh for my ears in English. It sounds nicer in German.I knew an Ursula Claire. I think that combo flows nicely.Other ideas:
Ursula Colette
Ursula Camille
Ursula June
Ursula Jane
Ursula Judith
Ursula Patience
Ursula Maren
Ursula Helen
Ursula Dagny
Ursula Dagmar - Dagmar isn't a soft sounding name, but I like it, and I think it goes nicely with Ursula.
Ursula Daphne
Ursula Eve
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Appreciate your comments.Ursula Claire is nice. I also like Ursula Colette, Ursula Jane, Ursula Helen and Ursula Judith, my fave of the bunch. I like the sound of Ursula Maren and I'm trying not to let the "sea" make me think of the Disney villain, an image I'm trying to get away from, but I'm also getting kind of a sleek, glamour vibe from that combo.Thank you! :)
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Thanks. :)Mae really brings a nice sweetness to Ursula that's working for me. Ursula Frances sounds like a an old-Hollywood screen siren. :)
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I love Ursula so much! All of these combinations are successful, but my favorites are Ursula Hazel, Ursula Janet, Ursula Marianne, Ursula Maude, Ursula Thisbe, and Ursula Winifred.
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I'm warming to Ursula.I really want to enjoy her, and to get that murky, slithery, villain-ness image out of my head. That's what this little "exercise" was about; trying to find combinations that make me like her and "see" her cheerier qualities.I appreciate your opinion and thank you for your comments. :)
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I like 2 syllables for flow. Florence, Gretchen, and Hazel stand out as good fits. Or you could go with Ursula Hoebe for a full-on Friends reference. ;)
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Ursula PhoebeActually, that happened; then I recognized the "Friends" sibset and hit delete. Shame, because I actually think they sound well together. Thanks for your comments! :)
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Ursula Phoebe. Whoops!
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