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Re: Twin name suggestions
in reply to a message by Spree
Genevieve and Guinevere... Ginny and Guinny! lol Another name that'd match those two would be Gwendolyn. There's an elementary school near my house called Gwendolyn Brook, which I think sounds pretty.Prehaps Lucian Wyatt for a fn/mn... I personally don't like the name Wyatt as a fn, it's just so... cowboy. b/b combo:
Jude / Jaden
Lucian / Liam
Jaden / Griffin
Arthur / Tristan / Drystan (lol - why not? plus there's Kay, Peredur / Percival, Gawain, Galahad, Bedivere, Dinadan, and Lucan)
Gavin / Ariston
Gavin / Liam (rock stars, yah?)g/g combo:
Evelyn / Gwyn
Maren / Selene (pro sel-EEN)
Lara / Emma
Rowan / MarenI think those sound nice :) And can you tell I love the Arthurian names? lol-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
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