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Re: Montessa!
Henry Trace is nice, it flows well and the youthfulness of Trace gives Henry a bit of an update.
I'm not a fan of Ivanna, it seems to have a bit of harshness to me even though the "anna" part at the end is softer. And doesn't Ivanna come from Ivan which is a form of John and Jacquline comes from Jacques which is also a form of John? I don't think Ivanna Jacqueline works very well as a combo. :(. What about something that looks similar like Viviana?I've never heard of Montessa, is it a girls name? The "Mont-" looks masculine to me but the "-essa" looks feminine. Let me try a few girls combos:Montessa Rose
Montessa Jane
Montessa Pearl
Montessa Evelyn
Montessa Felicity
Montessa Claire / Clare
Montessa Vivian
Montessa Gwyneth
Montessa Isolde
Montessa Alexandra
Montessa Jocelyn
Montessa ThereseNot sure if any of this was helpful to you but it was all quite interesting.

This message was edited 6/5/2012, 5:23 AM

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