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Friends of mine are considering Clara for their baby girl due in August. WDYT?I really like it, it seems sweet, but classy. The mother likes it after the character in the nutcracker ballet, which is good a reason as any to like a name I think. MN will probably be Sophie
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How are they pronouncing Clara?I personally love both ways of pronouncing it. CLAR-ah or CLAIR-ah are both very pretty. I think I slightly prefer CLAR-ah.I loved this name when I was a child because of the Nutcracker. One of my best friends in Elementary school named Lauren was a ballerina and she got to perform each year in Seattle's most prestigious production of it at the Pacific Northwest Ballet. One year she was one of the little girls, another year a mouse, and then the next a toy soldier. But then she moved away from Seattle to a place in Michigan.Clara Sophie is a very cute and sweet combo with a bit of elegance to it. I definitely approve of this combo.
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I love Clara. Clara Sophie sounds sweet and classy.
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Clara is a name I love. I doubt I will ever get to use it though (it's not one of my top names). You don't hear it as often anymore since people are fawning all over Claire at the moment. I do know an older woman with the name and one of my midwives daughter's is named this as well.
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I think it's lovely, very classy and pretty and feminine, but not too frilly. I wouldn't have thought of Sophie myself, but when I think about it, Clara Sophie actually sounds pretty awesome!
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This was my great-grandmother's name. For years, I considered the double fn Clara Mar as a way of honoring two women in my family. Now though, I have extremely bad associations with the name because of a girl I know who I was extremely close friends with and who said and did some insanely hurtful things towards me. I suppose I still like the name - you are right, it is sweet and classic. I think it carries well and is not dated.
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I think Clara is a lovely name and Clara Sophie makes a very pretty combo.
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I like it; the only one I've ever known was a very impressive person who kept her dysfunctional family together by sheer strength of character.But, I was startled to hear that in the US it (sometimes?) rhymes with Sarah. The lass in Nutcracker has the European pronunciation of CLAH ra, which is what I'm used to.
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Yeah, I was shocked to learn about the Sarah-esque pronunciation when I looked at the name's info on BtN. I find it absurd. You wouldn't pronounce Tara, Lara or Mara with an AIR sound. If I wanted to pronounce it CLAIR-a, I would spell it Claira. CLAH-ra is the superior pronunciation, in my opinion.
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I pronounce Clara, Tara and Mara with an AIR sound. The only one I might pronounce with an AH sound is Lara, and that is only because I think most bearers of the name use that pronunciation. Even so, LAH-ra sounds "off" to me; I really want to say LAIR-a.I live in the U.S.
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I live in the US. I usually pronounce Clara, Tara, Mara, Lara and Sara as CLAR-ah, TAR-ah, MAR-ah LAR-ah and SAR-ah. I see them pronounced both ways with the AIR and the AR sound but I've met slightly more AR than AIR.
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Hm, fancy that. I'm from Australia myself - South Australia. I words like dance, chance etc with the AH sound, although I know some parts of Australia, like NSW, pronounce it ANce. These regions might be open to pronouncing Clara your way - I'm not sure. Of course I like my natural pronunciation of words/names more. :)
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It's not an absolute fave of mine, but I like it and it's not overused, so it's kinda refreshing. Not so fond of Sophie though... It's getting so boring.
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Your friends look like they're going to be good namers. Clara Sophie is a sweet combo.
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Clara is such a great name! I love it! Yes, it's a classic name, but still cute and sweet.Clara Sophie is very nice combo.
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Clara Sophie is fantastic. Congratulations to them and tell them they've done a great job naming her. :-D
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Oh, I love Clara! It's effortlessly dignified.
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I like Clara. I wouldn't use it but it is very pretty. There should be more little Claras in the world. Clara Sophie is sweet. I love Sophie as a middle name.
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Clara is not bad at all. It's not really my style, but I think you're right: it's sweet and classy. Clara Sophie is nice.
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Thats quite a nice combo Clara Sophie
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