Re: Dallas?
in reply to a message by Jolene
I think it's all boy. It would be a very unattractive name for a girl, in my opinion. I met a little boy named Texas at work not that long ago. I think Texas works much better as a name than Dallas.
Texas feels kinda tacky as a person's name. Dallas feels way more natural as a name. Texas brings up the image of gun-totin' oil tycoon who goes into shock if he meets a vegetarian (Whudda ya mean ya don eat meat?). Dallas doesn't carry that same image... possibly because I've met regular people with that name that don't have that image.
yes, i would only ever use it on a guy. Surprisingly i didn't get the name from the state but from a book i very much enjoyed as a kid. Texas is nice but i think i prefer Dallas as it has much more meaning for me.