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Love it! My Aunt's niece is called Florence, with the nickname Florrie and I think it's an adorable name!
However, when Florence's Mum had a second child recently, my boyfriend kept joking that they'd name it "The Machine". It's not really that bad but might put some people off... I still love Florence though!
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Nice enough if it stays Florence. Florrie, Flossie and Flo are the kiss of death.Which probably means, fine as a mn.
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I've been really loving this name lately. Because of Florence Welch from the band Florence + the Machine. I have a bit of a crush on her. I just love her voice, her fashion sense and I find her to be so beautiful. Her full name is Florence Leontine Mary Welch. Leontine is a very interesting name as well.I love how retro and romantic feeling the name Florence is. I've always liked the name Florence but I use to feel like it was too much of a place name because of Florence Italy and Florence Oregon. Of course Florence Italy is really Firenze, Fiorenza or Florentia. These days I feel like Florence is less of a place name and more of a person name. Florence is definitely amoung my top 50 names but it might even be in my top 25.

This message was edited 5/6/2012, 7:36 PM

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Really nice name. Rare, where I live - don't know any Florences, actually - but familiar. Flows nicely. Elegant but not frilly.Also a GP as a boy's name. Something about the -ence ending, I think (I've even read Constance as a male name in the past, without thinking) and seeing it as a place name.
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I love it. I think it's beautiful, I don't really see how people think it's dowdy.
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re: FlorenceI love Florence. I had a friend named Florence - she was beautiful, smart, fluent in several languages, and incredibly nice.
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I love Florence! :D My second favourite name. Sometimes my favourite.
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...Henderson. Or Nightingale.It's kind of dorky to me.
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... or with a Machine!I'm not fond of the name either, but I just wanted to throw that out there :)I find it old in the "thank goodness people stopped using it" sort of way. Like Ethel or Bertha.

This message was edited 5/6/2012, 8:29 AM

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Everyone tells me I should check out Florence + the Machine, but I haven't yet.
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You should!!Florence and the Machine is so great. Florence is so trippy-dippy and unique.
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I have been thinking about this for awhile now and I'm still not sure. I like it as a full name but really dislike 'Flo' as a nickname, perhaps if Flossie was the common nickname i'd like it more.
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I prefer Flora, but I like Florence as well. It isn't popular where I live, so it would be refreshing to meet a little girl named Florence.
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I really like Florence and nicknames Florrie, Flo or Flora
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