I prefer Emanuel
Emmanuel just looks too long and too similar to Emma.
I like David Emanuel and I also like Emanuel David. Maybe people find Em/m/anuel too uncommon or too "girly" (I hate that expression) as fn. But I also like the form Manuel. Manny seems like the obvious nn.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Emmanuel just looks too long and too similar to Emma.
I like David Emanuel and I also like Emanuel David. Maybe people find Em/m/anuel too uncommon or too "girly" (I hate that expression) as fn. But I also like the form Manuel. Manny seems like the obvious nn.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, Garden Party
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I love Emmanuel for someone else. It's just too Biblical for me personally. I might use Emmanuelle for a girl, which I think is even nicer.
David Emmanuel - Anything with David as a first name is utterly gerneric. Emmanuel David would be a far better choice.
I don't like Manny but it would be the obvious choice of nickname. You could also use Emmy.
David Emmanuel - Anything with David as a first name is utterly gerneric. Emmanuel David would be a far better choice.
I don't like Manny but it would be the obvious choice of nickname. You could also use Emmy.
I really do love the name Emmanuel, but for me it's one of those names like Jesus that I haven't been comfortable using though I think it's wonderful. I'm always worried that a child with that name would make the name, or title as it were, less special for me and for people around me who are very religous. :(
David Emmanuel is a really nice combo, I do like it a lot. David Manuel is also nice, WDYTO that?
As for nicknames I like Manny, Manly, Em, Emmy, El, Eli, Elly.

David Emmanuel is a really nice combo, I do like it a lot. David Manuel is also nice, WDYTO that?
As for nicknames I like Manny, Manly, Em, Emmy, El, Eli, Elly.