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Re: Case in point: Wolfgang Van Halen. (m)
I disagree. Wolfgang D'Angelo is actually super cool. I don't like Wolfgang McDonald but that's because I think of fast food. Wolfgang McKay would be cool, imo.
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Wolfgang D'Angelo is EPIC. Wolfgang McKay is pretty cool, too- someone needs to use that in a story for the WR, now.What about...Wolfgang Giovanni
Wolfgang Caesar
Wolfgang Cruso
Wolfgang Armando
Wolfgang De Leon
Wolfgang Ventura
Wolfgang Zappa
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Looks pretty cool to me.
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I actually like them all. For some reason it sounds really interesting paired with something Italian. When Wolfgang is paired with something German I find it rather boring. Maybe that's because my dad is German and I know lots of older guys named Wolfgang Schneider and stuff like that. Wolfgang Armando sounds cool and young whereas Wolfgang Scheider is the boring guy who lives down the street. To each their own, I guess. I like unexpected combos. Stuff like Michiko Thompson or Chloe Fujita. I just think it's nice. Plus there are so many immigrants in the US and they name their kids English names too which I think is nice. I know many people with names like Hannah Chang or Brooke Giovanni. I always thought that was nice rather than odd.
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A matter of opinion. The only combination that I find remotely appealing is Wolfgang Caesar... Kaiser would be better, however.
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I'm not trying to pick a fight, but:
we get it, you don't like mixing names of different origin... sheesh, let it die already.
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You must be mistaken, because I am not keeping it alive. All that took place was a healthy display of differing views-- it was not necessary to say what you did. The end has already arrived; all is well, I assure you.
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