Birth Announcements - What do you think?
Here are some local birth announcements from a "throw away" newspaper. What do you think of these names?
Kayla Mae
Madelyn Love
Kendall Elizabeth
Talisa Daniela
Jayda Thalia
Bailey Elizabeth
Nyaja' Aaliyah
Samantha Danielle
Katelyn Michelle
Tyler Jamieson
Christian Aiden
Mason William
Gabriel Antonio
Emorio Dyon
Mark Anthony
Andrew Joshua
Adam Ali
Blake Evan
David Connor
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Mae (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Daniela (I prefer the spelling Daniella)
Samantha Danielle
Mark Anthony
Andrew Joshua
David Connor

I sure could go for a Tang. - "Down with Love"
Kayla Mae
Madelyn Love
Kendall Elizabeth
Talisa Daniela
Jayda Thalia
Bailey Elizabeth
Nyaja' Aaliyah
Samantha Danielle
Katelyn Michelle
Tyler Jamieson
Christian Aiden
Mason William
Gabriel Antonio
Emorio Dyon
Mark Anthony
Andrew Joshua
Adam Ali
Blake Evan
David Connor
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Mae (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Daniela (I prefer the spelling Daniella)
Samantha Danielle
Mark Anthony
Andrew Joshua
David Connor

Kayla Mae - neither are my style but its feminine and flows nicely
Madelyn Love Madelyn is okay and at least they put Love as the middle name
Kendall Elizabeth - I dont mind this Kendall is one of the few surnamey names I admit to liking it sounds great with Elizabeth
Talisa Daniela - nice
Jayda Thalia - not to bad
Bailey Elizabeth the combo flows but I dont like Bailey
Nyaja' Aaliyah - not my style
Samantha Danielle - okay
Katelyn Michelle - okay
Illiannna i am really really hoping this was a misprint
Tyler Jamieson -not my style but flows
Christian Aiden i dislike the name Christian and paired with Aiden the double n endings are a bit flat
Mason William - not my style but the names go well together
Gabriel Antonio - nice
Emorio Dyon - not my style
Mark Anthony - well what can I say the combo flows okay
Andrew Joshua - nice
Adam Ali to singsongy
Blake Evan - okay
David Connor - nice
Solanye - interesting
Winsome - not my style
Agustin - nice
Vian - not my style

Kayla Mae- I like Mae, but I HATE the name Kayla...well, for a person anyways. It IS the name of my grandparents' dog.
Madelyn Love- I like Madelyn though I prefer Madeline or Madeleine. Love is ok as a mn, preferably if it's the mother's maiden name.
Kendall Elizabeth- Not a fan.
Talisa Daniela- Not bad, but nms.
Jayda Thalia- I like Thalia, but not Jayda.
Bailey Elizabeth- I like Bailey on a boy. Elizabeth is a lovely name, but very dull imho, especially as a mn. I prefer Elisabeth.
Nyaja' Aaliyah- YUCK.
Samantha Danielle- Danielle is nice. I don't really care for Samantha, but it's not awful. The combo sounds very nice.
Katelyn Michelle- Very dull.
Illiannna- Too many letters.
Tyler Jamieson- Not a fan.
Christian Aiden- I prefer Christian as a mn. I like both names, but they don't sound great together.
Mason William- Ok. I love William.
Gabriel Antonio- I like this.
Emorio Dyon- Don't like this one.
Mark Anthony- Eh...
Kayla Mae- I like Mae, but I HATE the name Kayla...well, for a person anyways. It IS the name of my grandparents' dog.
Madelyn Love- I like Madelyn though I prefer Madeline or Madeleine. Love is ok as a mn, preferably if it's the mother's maiden name.
Kendall Elizabeth- Not a fan.
Talisa Daniela- Not bad, but nms.
Jayda Thalia- I like Thalia, but not Jayda.
Bailey Elizabeth- I like Bailey on a boy. Elizabeth is a lovely name, but very dull imho, especially as a mn. I prefer Elisabeth.
Nyaja' Aaliyah- YUCK.
Samantha Danielle- Danielle is nice. I don't really care for Samantha, but it's not awful. The combo sounds very nice.
Katelyn Michelle- Very dull.
Illiannna- Too many letters.
Tyler Jamieson- Not a fan.
Christian Aiden- I prefer Christian as a mn. I like both names, but they don't sound great together.
Mason William- Ok. I love William.
Gabriel Antonio- I like this.
Emorio Dyon- Don't like this one.
Mark Anthony- Eh...