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Isabetta? WDYT?
This just randomly popped into my head. WDYTO Isabetta? Deriving from Elisabetta and ultimately Elisabeth? My prn is EEZ-ah-bet-ah

This message was edited 1/29/2012, 8:42 AM

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Pretty! My pronunciation would be closer to "is-a-BET-ah".
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Mmm I like Isabetta. It sounds all mysterious and lovely. A woman named Isabetta would be in an Italian love story where her husband is murdered and she finds love again as she avenges his death and uncovers some sort of devious plot... or something. Haha.
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whoah... that's some serious first sight imagry!
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Izza betta to have...He's a better...Also makes me think of someone making a bet...Not really working for me.
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Haha I didn't even notice that!
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lol... it's true though
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Isabetta on its own is likely to get confused with Isabella more often than not. I think Elisabetta nn Isabetta is the best way to go.
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dittoI do like the sound of Isabetta, but think you'd be better off with Elisabetta as the full name.
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This is a legit name in use so I see no reason to not use it
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It's quite pretty, but it's just going to get confused for Isabella so often because Isabella is so popular. I think Elisabettta is better.
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