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What do you think of it? I've been fairly interested in the Eu- names lately, and I think that this one is interesting. It's a French form of Eudoxia. I've been pronouncing it basically the way it looks, so if anyone happens to know if that's correct or not please feel free to say so! What do you think of it? Do you prefer Eudoxia or Eudoxie?
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"You doxy!" As in, you know, prostitute. I've also seen Doxie used as a short form of Dachshund. So...prostitutes and wiener dogs. No. I'm really starting to like Eu- names, too, but not this one. I don't have a preference between Eudoxie and Eudoxia; I think they're equally bad.
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Not sure how or why I know this but the rapper Ludacri is married (or was, Im not sure) to a girl named Eudoxie. I'm assuming its said "uuh doxie" or "ooh doxie" (Im not sure if Im wording that right) but Im not a big fan of it, might be cute on a pet though.
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I adore Eudoxia. I should love Eudoxie too. But it's making the old English word for a prostitute (a doxy) even harder to keep from my mind. I'm torn because I really, really want Doxie as a nn for Eudoxia and I get caught in this vicious circle of "Oh, it's so cute. But it's a prostitute. But no one will know that. But I will. But oh, it's so cute. . . . " Lather, rinse, repeat.Given all of that I'm going to stick with Eudoxia. But if you aren't hampered by the old English thing then Eudoxie is a terrific find and you should enjoy it to the hilt. Eu- names are intoxicating and this one is no exception. There is a Russian form of the name that is equally fetching, Evdokiya ("ev-duh-KEE-yuh") / Yevdokiya.

This message was edited 10/31/2011, 12:49 PM

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I was thinking about Eudoxia yesterday actually, strange lol. I kind of like it and Eudoxie but i'm not sure i'm brave enough to use it
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