Zan/Zannie (nn for Alexandra)
I was watching The Little Foxes the other day, and Teresa Wright's character was named Alexandra, with the nickname of Zan / Zannie. I've never liked Alex or Allie so this really intrigued me. What you think of Zan or Zannie as a nickname for Alexandra?
I know a woman who, for family reasons, was to have been named Alexandra. The ln is very short, and the parents found it something of an anticlimax, so they cut down Alexandra to Zahn, wanting to indicate a long AH sound.
When she went to high school, she brought the house down in the German class when they started learning the names of body parts. Her school nickname became Tooth.
When she went to high school, she brought the house down in the German class when they started learning the names of body parts. Her school nickname became Tooth.
I'd probably stick with the X's as in Xan and Xannie, but it does sound great!
Love it! It's very cool, unexpected, and sounds both a little old-fashioned and elegant to my ear.
Makes me think of Zannie the Nanny.
Zan and Zannie are cute nicknames for Alexandra. I prefer them to Allie and Alex, which are okay, but Zan and Zannie definitely have more flavor.
I like it because it some thing different. But Lexi and Zandria is always gonna be my personal favorite.