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I need opinions on Sofie- not Sofia/Sophia, just plain Sofie.What do you think of it?
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It's cute, it has punch, but it just doesn't feel complete to me, which is weird, because the name with a 'ph', Sophie, seems very complete to me. Sofia, although you didn't ask about it is better in my opinion, with the nickname Sofie.
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I love the sound. The spelling looks a little childish to me. I'd go with Sophie. Personally, though, I also think Sophia/Sofia is gorgeous, so I'd probably do that with the nickname Sophie/Sofie. Somehow, if it's a nickname, the Sofie spelling doesn't really bother me.
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I like it. I prefer the spelling Sophie, because it looks more complete and is the more common spelling - spelling it a more unusual way might mean you are always correcting people. Nevertheless, I think Sofie is really cute :)
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I've never liked this spelling.
Sofie looks mean to me (I've met plenty of mean Sofie's) and also quite boring, but that's probably because Sofie is way more popular than Sophie here.
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I prefer Sofie (this spelling too) to Sofia. I feel the simplisticity makes it seem more beautiful
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I prefer the Sophie spelling, but I absolutely love the name! Strangely, I'm not a Sophia fan, but I adore Sophie. It's soft, pretty, and elegant, but it's also sassy. It feels like the name of a headstrong, steel-tongued young woman. Oh, and I prefer the Sophie spelling because philosophy is la philoSOPHIE in French.
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I like it, but for some reason I prefer the Sophie spelling ( even though out of Sophia/ Sofia I prefer the 'f' spelling).
I feel it got a bit too popular for a while there, which turned me off it a bit. But all in all it's a nice name.
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I prefer it spelt Sophie. I like it.
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*yawn* Any of those related names are boring and overused these days... Plus, I know Sofie can be a name on its own, but it feels too nicknamey.
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I like it. I think it's cute and simple. I wouldn't use it because it's very, well, soft like a squishy sofa. I can mainly picture it on a cute little girl, although it wouldn't be mond-blowing to envision it on other age groups as well.
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Love the name, but with Sophia so popular too she would be one of many in her class.
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