My friend named her daughter this is 2010. It's really growing on me. I like it for a girl but also for a boy.
What do you think? Sawyer
What do you think? Sawyer
I don't mind it for a boy. This is surprising because I usually hate surnames-as-first-names, but Sawyer is an exception. However I really don't think it works for a girl, it's definitely a boys name for me
I don't like the sound - not fond of Moira or Moya for the same reason. It makes me think of beans, or sauce (but in my dialect -r doesn't happen). And I don't like random lnfns either. And for a girl, the meaning is ludicrous. Sorry, but no.
Should be left as a surname... It works as a surname... At first when I saw it, I thought 1 more person had found another surname to tag on a little boy as a fn that doesn't really belong in that position, but on a girl, it's even worse. Sounds kinda dorky to me.
I love the name for either gender, but unfortunately I could never use it. I have family with the surname.
Family w/ the surname and honouring them is the only reason I could see to use it in any other position... and even then just as a mn.
Horrible - occupational surname for a man sawing logs. Unfeminine and unpretty. Also remind me of "Saw ya!"
My friend has a puppy named Sawyer - so, I think of a dog.
Sawyer is one of the only names in existence I like equally on both genders.
I don't mind if for a boy at all. But definitely only for a boy.