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What would be your reaction to a child named Dorcas?
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I actually like this name. However it is sort of old-fashioned (although I have nothing against that) and there is teasing potential with the "Dork" sound.
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I'd be happy and excited actually! I like the name, but the whole "dork" negative association thing is a nuisance!
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I'm not going to lie, I really like it. But I hopethe little girl has a nickname she goes by!
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"What were their parents thinking?!" I always here Dorkus.
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Much teasing... I'd highly recommend going w/ Tabitha instead. Same meaning, but no dork comments.
In this day and age, it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment for no other reason than the whims of the parents.

This message was edited 8/25/2011, 5:23 PM

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I'd pray the kids in school wouldn't call her Dork Ass. I knew a girl with this name and it happened to her. People can be such twits.
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I'd feel sorry for the kid, and I'd really question her parents' judgement...and taste.
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Ouch. That's one that just shouldn't be revived. Speaking as someone who was teased relentlessly in school - you really don't need to add fuel to that fire.
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I would wonder if the kids at school call her "dorky".
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Poor kidI know it's a perfectly legitimate name, but it's also a silly thing to call someone. Although then it might be spelled Dorkus. Either way.
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dittoWe used to call one another "dorkus" when we were kids. I just can't see it being used today without that ....
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way too much teasing potential, otherwise i'd probably like it
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I would clap my hands in delight! And say a little prayer for her to grow up super confident.
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Amen!I love the contrast between Dorcas's plodding sound and light, graceful meaning.
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Same here. It would be really cool, but I'd worry about how others wood react.My 11-year-old brother likes Dorcas.
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I'm totally with you on that one.
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dittoI think name nerds like Dorcas but I'm not sure if 'normal people' are ready for it.

This message was edited 8/25/2011, 11:57 AM

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I thought it as masculine, and I saw on the site its feminine...But even before that, all I could think of is DORK-I picture a little boy, who is probably really sweat and adorable (in a geeky way, complete with glasses) who desperately needs/wants a friend in this cruel world.
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