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A few Nicknames. Opinions Please
What do you think of the following nicknames for the following names. Do they work and do you like them?
Millicent - Penny, Mills
Aleydis - Lady
Patience - Pae, Pebbles
Daffodil - Dilly, DaffyMaximillian - Millian, Mills
Rufus - Ruth, Rue
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I don't think Penny works as a nickname for Millicent... how did you come up with it?
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Millicent- Penny is clever. I like it. Mills I don't really care for, I would prefer Millie.Aleydis- I don't really like Lady at all, sorry. It sounds like a dog's name, or else reduces this girl to her gender, in my opinion.Patience- Pae I guess works, but I don't like Pebbles at all. It's too silly.Daffodil- Dilly and Daffy both sound too silly. I wouldn't be able to take them seriously. I'd use Daff or avoid a nickname.Maximillian- Millian and Mills both work, but I think I prefer Max.Rufus- Ruth is too feminine, but Rue is cute.
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Penny is my favorite nickname for Millicent mainly because for some reason I find it kind of hilarious.I don't like Daffodil's nicknames, but they make sense and work. I don't like Ruth as a nickname for Rufus because it's a completely feminine name in my mind. So odd to think of it on a boy. Rue is adorable, though.
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Penny as a nickname for Millicent... is it because of the -cent at the end? If so, I love it!!! I'm not so sold on Mills, just like I don't like Mads as a nn for Madeleine/Madeline. Aleydis definitely works with Lady.Pebbles is great as a cute nickname when you're kidding around, but Pae is better for all around use. You could use Pae in school, but it would be a little awkward having the teacher call you Pebbles.Dilly's much better than Daffy (Daffy is also an adjective).Love the boys' nns. Rue for Rufus is fabulous.
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Millicent- prefer Mills, but see where you get Penny from
Aleydis- Lady works
Patience- Pae is good (some people might guess Payson for the fn though), Pebbles? I don't see it.
Daffodil- Dilly is better than Daffy imo, since Daffy can mean crazy/ foolishMaximillian- Millian and Mills are nice alternatives to Max.
Rufus- Ruth and Rue are too feminine imo.
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I think Penny is a pretty cute nn idea for Millicent. Mills is meh.
Aleydia "Lady" is sort of cool, but where I like Lady is very common as a dog name, so even if it was just a nickname I might find it odd on a human. Maybe.
I like Pae for Patience. Pebbles is sort of like Lady for me-- just a little too "pet".
I think Dilly is my favorite of these for Daffodil. Daffy is too Daffy Duck. Although Daf could work-- as in Daphne "Daph", or something.I like Millian for Maximillian. It's so in-your-face "not Max" that it's kind of awesome. It also sounds namey- it rhymes with names like Killian and has a pretty common/namey syllable pattern.
Ruth and Rue both seem too girlish for Rufus, IMO. Maybe Ruf or Roo? (For some reason Rue looks girly to me but Roo doesn't).
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Sorry, but I'm not a bit fan of nicknames that try so hard to be different or cute. I prefer to let nicknames evolve naturally, but it's good to be aware of potential nicknames that could pop up. If you want Mills as a name I think it's perfectly fine by itself. Dilly, Daffy, Pebbles and Penny from Millicent are a bit too cutesy for me. Ruth and Rue for me are girls names, so I wouldn't use them for a boy.
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Millicent: I don't understand how Penny came from this (other than from the cent in the name), but to each his own, I guess. Mills is fine.
Aleydis: Lady works, cute.
Patience: I like Pae for this, and while Pebbles really doesn't make any sense at all it is a cute nickname for someone really young. I would imagine it for a name more like Phoebe or something, though.
Daffodil: Dilly is kind of cute, but it reminds me of pickles and Daffy reminds me of Daffy duck.Maximillian: Millian works, but it just doesn't sound that great (more like "million") and Mills sounds more like a nickname for a girl.
Rufus: Is this a boy or a girl? Ruth does not work, and while I love the name Rue on it's own it seems more feminine to me.
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Dilly and Daffy are just silly and almost like an insult. Pebbles? Pebbles McCain is now the president of the United States of America...not. Very...childish. I like Mills for Maximillian though. Rufus? Ruth? To me those are two entirely different names.
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Millicent - Not sure how you're getting Penny from Millicent... is it the Cent part? Mills would work just fine, but I don't like the nns where you shorten and stick an s on them.
Aleydis - Lady is too prissy for me, but it would work.
Patience - Pae is alright, dislike Pebbles and can't see the connection with it. But it's the sort of nn you could give to anyone.
Daffodil - Dilly is cute. Dilly dally, aww. Daffy is too Daffy Duck.
Maximillian - Millian would work, but since it sounds like million I'd avoid it because then it sounds tacky. Same issue with Mills as before.
Rufus - Ruth seems strange to use, but I like Rue a lot.
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First off, let me just say I'm a big fan of nicknames, even for names people might say don't need it, and especially if they are creative. Now, for the names. Millicent - Penny, Mills: I can't say I've ever like Millicent, and I don't know how you get Penny, but I love it. Mills is ok, but I'd probably to with the typical milly if you take that route.
Aleydis - Lady: I LOVE LADY AS A NICKNAME! its so sweet. :)
Patience - Pae, Pebbles: both are fine, pae is recognizable, pebbles is cute as heck.
Daffodil - Dilly, Daffy: both of these are silly but nice, I might use dilly since daffy I think means "touched"Maximillian - Millian, Mills: I like mills on a boys name, although I always thought max was really nice by itself.
Rufus - Ruth, Rue: BIG fan of rue, Ruth is completely feminine to me. Hope this helped. :)
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Millicent nn Penny is because of the Cent part 1cent = penny in the UK
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Oh I get it. Neat. :)
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