Fell out of love with Augusta awhile ago and now she's back on my mind in full force. I really like the fact that it would honor my August-born Grandfather.
What do you think? Any combos you'd like to share?
Thanks in advance! =)
What do you think? Any combos you'd like to share?
Thanks in advance! =)
This message was edited 8/13/2011, 5:52 PM
Just wanted to pop on and say thanks for all the awesome Augusta combos! :)
Augusta is a lovely, underused name.
Augusta Corinne
Augusta Madeline / Madeleine
Augusta Irene
Augusta Mary
Augusta Maren
Augusta Miren
Augusta Miriam
Augusta Mariam
Augusta Mariamne
Augusta Marian
Augusta Marianne
Augusta Mariel
Augusta Marielle
Augusta Mireille
Augusta Wren
Augusta Laurel
Augusta Lily
Augusta Lorraine
Augusta Rachel
Augusta Ruth
Augusta Ruby
Augusta Claire
Augusta Clarisse
Augusta Fern
Augusta Fleur
Augusta Florence
Augusta Fay / Faye / Fae
Augusta Corinne
Augusta Madeline / Madeleine
Augusta Irene
Augusta Mary
Augusta Maren
Augusta Miren
Augusta Miriam
Augusta Mariam
Augusta Mariamne
Augusta Marian
Augusta Marianne
Augusta Mariel
Augusta Marielle
Augusta Mireille
Augusta Wren
Augusta Laurel
Augusta Lily
Augusta Lorraine
Augusta Rachel
Augusta Ruth
Augusta Ruby
Augusta Claire
Augusta Clarisse
Augusta Fern
Augusta Fleur
Augusta Florence
Augusta Fay / Faye / Fae
This message was edited 8/14/2011, 9:23 AM
I love Augusta! I coached a little Augusta a number of years ago, she was very fair-skinned, platinum blonde hair, and super smart. I hadn't really considered the name before I'd met her, but seeing it on a kid made me see it in a new light.
One of my favourite combos (in general, and with Augusta) is Eloise Augusta.
One of my favourite combos (in general, and with Augusta) is Eloise Augusta.
I love Augusta! It's one of the names I've loved the longest.
I love Augusta's regal stiffness and sophistication.
Augusta Adelaide
Augusta Adeline
Augusta Albertine
Augusta Ambrosine
Augusta Beatrice
Augusta Beatrix
Augusta Blanche
Augusta Blythe
Augusta Briony / Bryony
Augusta Caroline
Augusta Catherine
Augusta Cecily
Augusta Clare
Augusta Clemency
Augusta Clementine
Augusta Cleo / Clio
Augusta Corisande
Augusta Cornelia
Augusta Cybele
Augusta Delphine
Augusta Dorothy
Augusta Edith
Augusta Eleanor / Eleonore / Elinor
Augusta Eloise
Augusta Emeline / Emmeline
Augusta Adelaide
Augusta Adeline
Augusta Albertine
Augusta Ambrosine
Augusta Beatrice
Augusta Beatrix
Augusta Blanche
Augusta Blythe
Augusta Briony / Bryony
Augusta Caroline
Augusta Catherine
Augusta Cecily
Augusta Clare
Augusta Clemency
Augusta Clementine
Augusta Cleo / Clio
Augusta Corisande
Augusta Cornelia
Augusta Cybele
Augusta Delphine
Augusta Dorothy
Augusta Edith
Augusta Eleanor / Eleonore / Elinor
Augusta Eloise
Augusta Emeline / Emmeline
I've loved Augusta since spring began. Combos? Not so much, I haven't really attempted any yet.