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Re: Lila
in reply to a message by lulu
I think Lila is a beautiful name but I only like the Lila spelling. Out of your combos I like Lila Rose the best. The name I would choose to take off your Top 5 list would probably be Emma Felicity since Emma is just so darn popular. Here's some other middle name suggestions too:Lila Adelaide
Lila Adrienne
Lila Audrey
Lila Beatrice
Lila Bridget
Lila Claire
Lila Faith
Lila Frances
Lila Hazel
Lila Hope
Lila Katherine
Lila Margaret
Lila Rachel
Lila Ruby
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Lila Adelaide -gorgoeous
Lila Adrienne -nms
Lila Audrey -So cute!
Lila Beatrice -Love
Lila Bridget -very nice
Lila Claire -love
Lila Faith -Great
Lila Frances -pretty
Lila Hazel -Lovely
Lila Hope -nms
Lila Katherine -Fantastic
Lila Margaret -beautiful
Lila Rachel -nms
Lila Ruby -good, I just ran out of ways to describe "I love it"
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