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What do you think of the name Fiorella for a girl? I personally would only use it for a middle name but what are your thoughts on it?
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It's pretty, but a bit too frilly for me. I prefer Fiorenza because it doesn't sound quite as frilly.
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I love it! It's very pretty.
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It sounds more like a brand name than a child's name to me. In fact I think Fiorelli is a brand of handbags...
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I think it's quite pretty. Kind of reminds me of fire.
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I actually know a Fiorella :) She's from Peru and I think the name is pretty! I LOVE Fioralba, which is similar.
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This is the first I've heard of it, but I really like it :o It's very beautiful, in a fairy-tale sort of way. Really great :D
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