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Junia, Beata or Séfora?
I'm on a search for a #3 name. My top two are Iris and Alba.
Which do you like best with them?Junia (Júnia, depending on location)
Séfora (SEH-fo-ra, Seffora for the hyperlink)I also have a question about popularity.
Hypothetically, if you had 3 daughters, would you combine drastically different popularities? Here are close examples to put them in a US context.
Mia, Natalia and Faustina, Tzipporah or Edit.
And for boys, can you please weigh in on which group you like best:
Edmund Bruno, Marius Caspar & Leopold András (LEH-o, not LEE-o; AWN-drahsh, it's the beginning of my mom's maiden name)
Edmund Bruno, Marius András & Caspar Leopold
Edmund Leopold, Marius Caspar & Bruno András
Edmund Bruno/Leopold, Marius Caspar & ______ András (If you choose ______, what would you fill the blank with? You can pick anything)Thank you!
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Oh, Junia! I love it so. I love its history and how it just sort of bounces off the tongue. It's beautiful with Iris and Alba, too.Popularity doesn't bother me. It's one of my least important considerations in picking a name, and I personally think a lot of people obsess too much over it. In other words, I'd have no qualms over giving one child a name that is at a drastically different popularity level than my other children. That said, it is important to me that my kids' names are harmonious together and, well, equal, for lack of a better word. So, I don't care about popularity, but I wouldn't pick a name that's drastically harder to live with, harder to pronounce, of jarringly different origin, extremely strange when the others are familiar, and so on. I definitely wouldn't use Tzipporah or Edit with Mia or Natalia for that reason. I could maybe go either way on Faustina, but I'm leaning toward 'no' on that one, too. With daughters named Mia and Natalia, I might have names such as Susana, Louisa, Elettra, and Ginevra on my list. My favorite boy set is Edmund Bruno, Marius Caspar, and Leopold András.
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Junia! I love it; it's just absolutely adorable. As for the popularity questions, I'm not sure. I think I'd just go with whatever name I liked best.My favorite of the boys is Edmund Bruno, Marius Andras, and Caspar Lepold. I LOVE Marius Andras and Caspar Leopold.
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I think Junia goes best with Iris and Alba, but Beata is my favorite of the 3 choices.And I would definitely combine drastically different popularities. It's the way the names themsevles fit together that's more important to me. I actually find it really interesting when siblings have names quite mixed in commonness, as long as they sound fine together.Of those groups I like Edmund Bruno, Marius András, and Caspar Leopold best.
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I think Iris, Alba and Junia looks best. Beata seems too dowdry and old-lady-like, while Iris, Alba and Séfora doesn't gel quite as well. As for the popularity, of course. I don't think there's an issue.I like Edmund Bruno, Marius Caspar & Leopold András. I think Edmund, Marius and Leopold look better together than the rest.
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OK, Junia, Sefora and Beata would be such great sister's I'm having a hard time seperating them. They just seem to belong together! I think I will choose Beata because she is one of the only "b" names I like and would love to see her more.As far as the popularity, I would definitely combine them, especially is the syles matched. Why not?Edmund Bruno, Marius Caspar & Leopold András is my set pick for the boys.
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Love Iris, Alba and Beata - what a cool sibset. All 3 are on my list. My children have different popularities, so i'm obviously not worried. Aidan, Finn and Calla. If you love a name I don't think it is all important. Boys- I likeEdmund Bruno, Marius Caspar and Leopold Andras as the ending are not the same.
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Both Junia and Beata are super duper. I think Beata goes a little better with Iris and Alba.I'm not a fan of Sefora.I don't think that combining popularities would bother me much as long as the names are the same 'style'. Mia and Faustina doesn't sound awkward to me, for example, because they're both along the same style lines. I think the only time different popularities would make a big difference to me would be if I were trying to choose between two names I loved equally.Of your sibsets: I like Edmund Bruno, Marius Caspar & Leopold András the best. However, my favourite set would be Marius, Caspar, and Leopold as brothers.
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Iris, Alba, and ... Séfora! I think that's an excellent sibset. Séfora is the best stylistic match and complements the two-syllable names. Beata and Junia don't harmonize as well with the others, and my pesky anglophone brain keeps wanting to incorrectly pronounce Beata as BEET-uh.Differing popularities among siblings don't bother me. I would be more concerned about making a good set over the popularity of each individual name.I like Edmund Bruno, Marius Caspar & Leopold András best out of the boys' sets.
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