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Re: Opinions on Brutus (just for fun, I promise!)
Yep, the whole 'brute' sound puts me off unfortunately. I really want to like it because it's a Roman name with lots of history behind it, but I can't. It could work as a mn though, I like the following combos from your list:Brutus Alexander
Brutus Casimir
Brutus Constantine (ok, this really is too much haha) - I love it, it's very grand
Eamonn Brutus
Brutus Evaristus (ancient warlord, much?) - yes, but if your a writer, I would save it for a character, awesome combo:)
Fabian Brutus
Hadrian Brutus
Brutus Hyperion (lol) - hehehe, but it works so well!
Brutus Ivaylo - very cool
Brutus Theodore

This message was edited 7/7/2011, 6:37 PM

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