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Re: Pronunciation question (As and Es)
in reply to a message by Lily
I'm from the US West Coast and lived about 15 years in Texas.Alyssa - like in alike. "uhl-"
Elissa - like in elicit. "ehl-" but it's almost neutral. It would be hard to tell the difference from how I say Alyssa except the vowel is just a tad shorter in Elissa. BTW I met a woman in Texas whose name was Elissa pronounced uh-LEE-sa.Amber - like in ambulance. A as in cat
Ember - like in empire. "EHM" Very different from AmberAmelia - "uhm" somewhat long
Emilia - "ehm" almost neutral but shorter, similar to Alyssa/Elissa, only it's easier to hear the difference because there's no L right after.Al - like in alcohol. Almost like the vowel in the verb bow
Elle - like the letter L, like in elbow. EHL. very different from Al, much shorterAlice, Ellis - same difference as in Al/Elle

This message was edited 6/27/2011, 10:07 AM

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