How do you pronounce Sapphira?
I have always pronounced it sa-FEAR-uh, but it just occurred to me that it is probably pronounced sa-FIRE-uh. What do you think?
sah-FIE-ruh is what I usually say. It's a nice name, but it's been ruined for me by Eragon (I know it's Saphira with one P, but still).
I'm in the same boat as you. I know that way back when, when I read Eragon, I pronounced the dragon's name suh-FEAR-uh. Now, however, it seems most logical to pronounce it suh-FIRE-uh. I think I prefer the first pronunciation, though. Plus, you can always fall back on the fact that in Spanish, the "i" makes a long "e" sound. So hey, reasoning! I'm aware that the name is Greek, but since I know very little about Greek phonetics, I'm not a trusted source on how it would be properly pronounced in Greek.
I'm pretty sure that Σαπφειρη (Sappheire), the base of the name Sapphira is pronounced SAHP-fee-ree. There is a guy pronouncing Sapphira here in Greek, but I don't understand why he says SAHP-fee-ray. I've never heard α pronounced as ay in Greek before. The first P is definitely pronounced in Greek though. This site is also a good basic guide to Greek pronunciation:
I pronounce it like you do. It's one of my favorites! So beautiful.
I say it the same way you do. The gemstone Sapphire is SA-fire though, so we might be wrong!
I pronounce it sa-FEER-ə.
I pronounce it sa-FIRE-uh, though I like your pronunciation better ^^;
sa-FEAR-a, definitely.
I'd say sa-FEER-a too. Regardless of what the official pronunciation is, Sa-FIRE-a seems artificially dramatic to me.
The traditional English pronunciation is sə-FIE-rə (long "I" sound like the word "fire"). I've never heard it pronounced sə-FEER-ə.
It can go either way, but I pronounce it like you do
I pronounce it like you do. It's the dragon's name in Eragon, and it's pronounced SaFEARuh in the movie, too. I like the name.