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I love Eglantine! I know it sounds like egg and eggplant, but I don't mind that. They problem I'm having is finding a good nickname. Any ideas?
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Tina could work, I suppose. Eglantine is pretty.
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The "egg" sound is what makes Eglantine so great. :-)I might be pronouncing it differently than most. I have a long "i" sound on the ending syllable. So the nn Tiny comes to mind first, not Tina.Getting creative, how about Souffle or Benedicte? :-P
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I love love love Eglantine!Potential nicknames:Ellie / Elly
Lettie / Letty
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&hearts Lettie! I'm always looking for a full name to go with Lettie. Thanks for the connection!
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Legs. Astounding. So glam.
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I quite like Eglantine! When I was a kid I remember naming by Barbie this way a few times, because it was Aurora's fake identity in the Sleeping Beauty movie. I find it an elegant name, but a bit nerdy and quirky as well.As for nicknames... Tine/Tina
Eggy? Oh, it's not that bad... :)
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I love Sleeping Beauty and watched it over and over as a kid. I'm pretty sure the fake name Aurora goes by is Briar Rose, but then I just saw in your profile that you live in France... was this the French version? Maybe two names for the same flower?
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I really don't like it. The "eg" part looks and sounds horrible.Tina could work as a nickname?
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Some of these may be a stretch or silly, but I'll give it all I think of:Tina
GlanaD: these are silly but oh well :P
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Everything that comes to mind has egg in it unfortunately:) lol. Like Eggles or Eggly. Okay, serious now. How about Tine Tina Lanti Ettie ( okay Ettie might be a stretch, but it's cute).
Eglantine always reminds me of some kind of dessert.
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Egla? Egle? Aggie? Lanny? Tina? Anne? Annie?
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I actually really do like Egle. : )
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Annie, or Lannie, or Tina?That said, I was at school with an Erica who was always known affectionately as Eggs. So it might be hard to avoid.
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