WDYT of Selene?
I would be more inclined to pronounce it se-LEE-nee. I think (pronounced se-LEE-nee) it's a beautiful name.
~~The brave may not live forever, but the cautious don't live at all~~
~~The brave may not live forever, but the cautious don't live at all~~
se-LEE-nee now, several years ago it would have been se-LEEN but I've trained myself to pronounce it se-LEE-nee, it's automatic.
I agree with Elinor, Celine would better for the se-LEEN pronunciation and Selene (se-LEE-nee) Ruth sounds better than Selene (se-LEEN) Ruth.
~Louise x
Pray for mercy from Puss...In Boots!

I agree with Elinor, Celine would better for the se-LEEN pronunciation and Selene (se-LEE-nee) Ruth sounds better than Selene (se-LEEN) Ruth.
~Louise x

I've got used to pronouncing it se-LEEN-ee now, and that's the way I like the name. Celine would be a far better bet if that's the pronunciation you're going for.
Selene Ruth (se-LEEN) doesn't flow, but Selene Ruth (se-LEEN-ee) flows nicely.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
Selene Ruth (se-LEEN) doesn't flow, but Selene Ruth (se-LEEN-ee) flows nicely.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
~ Douglas Adams
This message was edited 1/10/2006, 2:24 AM
I like Selene, it's simple and unique. Plus it reminds me of the character in the movie Underworld. I would pronouce it Sel-ene or Se-lene.
Definately pronounce is se-LEEN. Selene is ok but I prefer Selena. IMO Selena Ruth would sound better.

I would be included to pronounce it se-LEEN because I knew someone with the name and she pronounced it that way. I used to like the name more than I do now. For some reason now every time I see it I think of Saline, suh-LEEN, a town in Michigan, which in return makes me think of saline solution.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
~Mark Twain