I just realized that a new friend of mine has a little sister in seventh grade named Alicean. No, it's not Alice Ann(e), it's Allison.
Really? o.O Sigh..
Really? o.O Sigh..
Um... OK.
I would pronounce it al-iss-ee-an, the "ean" bit would sound like "ee-ann" (two syllables) as in caesarean or meander or "een" (one syllable) as in dean or clean too me, rather than "on" as it would in Allison.
I would pronounce it al-iss-ee-an, the "ean" bit would sound like "ee-ann" (two syllables) as in caesarean or meander or "een" (one syllable) as in dean or clean too me, rather than "on" as it would in Allison.
I wanted to pronouce it uh-LEESH-in... ick
I didn't even realize that Alicean was supposed to be Allison. I thought it was supposed to be pronounced al-i-CEE-an. Wow. Fail.
By the way, I've met an Allicyn. Or maybe it's Allicynn. Whatever. Still, Alicean and Allicyn are both just strange butcherings of a perfectly fine name.
By the way, I've met an Allicyn. Or maybe it's Allicynn. Whatever. Still, Alicean and Allicyn are both just strange butcherings of a perfectly fine name.
Looks like the term for somone from the land of Alice.
lol, indeed.
I read it as "al-i-SEE-an." *sigh*
Alison, with one "L," is the only spelling I like.
Alison, with one "L," is the only spelling I like.
I know right? :|
I read it as Elysian, which would have been a cool name. Allison, though? Yawn.
I think Alicean is aesthetically pleasing, but pronouncing it like Allison ruins it. Alicean looks like it should be al-i-see-an.
Let me tell you, as someone named Allison, it's ridiculous how many people think it's spelled Alician or Alicean. I have to give my first name over the phone a lot at work, and the things people either spell back to me or write on faxes... wow. There are four normal ways to spell Allison (Alison, Alyson, Allyson) and yet I get Alician and Alicean ALL THE TIME.
Poor little Alicean. I hope she goes by Ali or something.
Poor little Alicean. I hope she goes by Ali or something.
She should go by Alice. Alice is a great name!
Allison is my middle name, and I've only had it misspelled as Alison or Alyson. That's crazy! And she goes by Alicean. But when you say it, you know, it just sounds like Allison so she doesn't have too bad a problem until it comes to papers, etc.
Oh, it's Allison! It took me a while to figure that out lol.
Why must creative spellings get to the point where it's almost impossible to read the actual name? It makes the parents come across as illiterate.
Why must creative spellings get to the point where it's almost impossible to read the actual name? It makes the parents come across as illiterate.
I know right? And their other daughter's name is Victoria Rose. Victoria... and then Alicean...
Epic fail
Wow, that's got to be the worst misspelling of Allison I've seen yet. Although Alycesun comes close.
Wow, that's got to be the worst misspelling of Allison I've seen yet. Although Alycesun comes close.
It looks doomed to be mispronounced or misspelled. I'll bet she gets called a-LIS-ee-an or Alice Anne frequently.
She does get called Alice Anne a lot.