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The name Evening has been on my mind alot lately. I love Evangeline but dislike it's gaining popularity... Evening has a similar feeling to it but is far less used....
I like it but I can't figure out if I like it to use IRL.How would you like being named Evening?
What would you think of parents who named thier daughter Evening?
If you were going to use it in a combo, what would you pair it with?Thanks for the input!
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Evangeline and Evening don't feel the same to me at all. Evangeline seems classic and easy to relate to. Evening feels more new and whimsical. I toggle with Evening: one minute she'd wearing a full-length open-back black gown at a gala. The next she's bratty and annoying as she giggles with Trinity and Destiny. I want her to be the first, but I'm just not sure.I think I'd dislike being named Evening, just because of the comments every single time I introduce myself.Parents: again, I'm waffling back and forth on whether they are sophisticated or a bit downmarket.Combos:
Evening Gown - just kidding
I'm liking something like
Evening Corinne
Evening Brielle
Evening Narelle
Evening Lorelle
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I like Evening a lot, but I think it's definitely at least verging on guilty pleasure territory. However, it can easily be shortened to Eve or Evie, which makes it somewhat usable. I wouldn't mind being named Evening, and I wouldn't think anything negative about an Evening's parents because I think it's a cool name. I think it needs to be paired with a much more usable/"normal" name, to give her something to fall back on if she doesn't like Evening.
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Have you thought about Evadne? :)I'd be fine with being named Evening. It's one of my favorite word names, actually - mostly because I like the "Ev."I'd say they're much better than parents who named their daughter Kayleigh. ;)Evening Lenore, Evening Nyx, Evening Simone, Evening Virginia, Evening Violet, Evening Willow
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I love how seductive Evening Simone is! Both Evening Violet and Evening Willow are soft and comforting while being mature and attractive.....NICE combos!
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I like Evening, and wouldn't mind having it as a name. I'd guess that Evening's parents like things that aren't too ordinary and are into the arts.Evening Simone, Evening Clara, and Evening Claire come to mind in terms of combos. I also really like Evening Melisande.

This message was edited 5/7/2011, 6:35 PM

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Ooo, EVening Simone hit the nail on the head.
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Evening Simone is very seductive sounding! Wow! Evening Melisande is very mature and alluring as well.
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I would go by Eve if my name was Evening.
I would think the parents were interesting, and unique
I would use a really common name for a middle because it's so out thereEvening Chloe
Evening Madison
Evening Rachel
Evening Isabella
Evening Claire
Evening Sarah
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I think of all your combos I like Evening Isabella best. And that I would probably use as Isobel
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1. If I was named Evening, I think I would feel like I would have to explain myself to everyone. I would probably shorten it to Eve to avoid the conversation.
2. I would think the parent's of Evening were out of the box, free spirit, hippy types.
3. Evening Rose?
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LOL, the Evening combo I have been holding onto in my mind is Evening Natalya Rose! :-)
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Eh, too hippie-dippie for my taste. Also, it reminds me of a bit of douching because of Summer's Eve (yet, the name Eve does not...strange, isn't it?).
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Yes, that is definitely not the reply I was thinking I would get! hahahahaha!
It did make me laugh out loud though! hahahahaha!!!
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That's interesting that the term "hippie" has come up more than once in regards to the name Evening. I've never thought of it that way despite it being a nature name. I could certainly see an author or free-spirited artist of some sort using it, but not a hippie per se. I guess maybe my impression of the name just differs here.
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I don't see hippie either. Evening seems so....sleek or adult or something... not hippie at all to me.
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I get the sleek, adult impression as well. There's definitely something refined about it. Hippie names tend to be more playful and less mature sounding than Evening, so that's why I don't see it as hippie. I can't imagine the hippies I've met using Evening.
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Oh, I can. I come from the land of the hippies, and names like Evening, Summer, Willow, River, etc.? Total hippie names. To a T.
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