What do you think about the name Jubilee. I have heard of a few people using it as a girls name. I am not sure if I like it or not, it may be a bit much if you know what I mean :)
I don't care for it. It is very in your face & kind of circus-y. Maybe just too theatrical for my taste.
Hm, normally word names are right out in my opinion, but this one has me intrigued. It is fun to say - kind of bouncy almost. And I like the possibility of Juby even Billy as nicknames. I sure wouldn't use it but I wouldn't cringe if someone else did either.
Ick. Totally not my thing. I like Jubal for a dude, though.
It is one of my favorite words, but I don't think I would ever use it as a FN.
Like from X-Men?
I know it's a word, but she's all it makes me think of. I do think it's a nice word name, though.
I know it's a word, but she's all it makes me think of. I do think it's a nice word name, though.
I like the sound of it, it's tasty. But all I think of is that mutant from the X-Men cartoon who wore a raincoat and jean shorts and shot fireworks out her hands. So it has a kind of childhood indulgence feel about it, like naming a kid Atreyu or Atari.
I think her "full" name was Jubilation Lee aka Jubilee, if I recall my young nerdery correctly.
I think her "full" name was Jubilation Lee aka Jubilee, if I recall my young nerdery correctly.
I don't really like it. It's a word that doesn't seem too name-appropriate, and all it makes me think of is Lincoln freeing the slaves. Plus I don't like the JOO sound at the beginning, and then the EE ending seems tacky.
While I wouldn't use it, I actually kind of like it.