Pronunciation of Evanthe?
This name is slowly creeping up on my Top 10 list. What are your opinions of it?
How do you think it is pronounced? At first glance, I said "EV-an- thee" but I realize the first part could be said with more emphasis on "van." Thoughts?
How do you think it is pronounced? At first glance, I said "EV-an- thee" but I realize the first part could be said with more emphasis on "van." Thoughts?
As tempted as as I am to say e-VAN-thee (which I think is the most beautiful possible pronunciation), I know an Evanthe who pronounces it e-VAN-tay.
As tempted as as I am to say e-VAN-thee (which I think is the most beautiful possible pronunciation), I know an Evanthe who pronounces it e-VAN-tay.
ee-VAN-thee (with a "th" as in "thin")
this one.
That's what I thought.
I say it with the emphasis on the "van".